The Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Improvement is responsible for the following functions, to the extent that they comprise executive functions:
1 Overall performance and effective operation of the financial resources of the council, including accountancy services, payments, procurement and income management. To have responsibility for the staff of the council, including their welfare, wellbeing and relationship with the council.
2 The formulation of the Council’s annual revenue budget, and its implementation following its approval by Council.
3 The formulation of the Council’s annual capital budget, and its implementation following its approval by Council.
4 The powers and duties of the Council for the collection of local taxes, fee income, charges and debt recovery.
5 Financial (including investment and insurance) management, and management of the Council’s balances.
6 The procurement processes and practises within the council. This to include the procurement obligation to obtain social value for the council’s purchasing activities.
7 To act as lead Member in relation to risk management and audit responsibilities which are not covered by the Governance and audit committee.
8 To be the joint Cabinet Member for the council’s Property Joint Venture. Holding a board role on the Cambium Partnership.
9 The Cabinet Member for the Business Change programmes.
10 Employee relations, and staff well-being and welfare. Relationship with Trades Unions, employee associations and networks. To be the link with the national pay bodies and employer groups.
11 Staff training and development. To lead on Being an employer of choice (recruitment, retention and staff performance management). Staff apprenticeships and being a learning organisation.
12 Any functions under the resources and finance responsibility which are executive functions, and which do not fall within the remit of another Cabinet portfolio.
13 To represent the Council on, and to liaise with, external organisations delivering services directly impacting on or related to the portfolio for which the Cabinet Member is responsible.