The Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration is responsible for the following functions, to the extent that they comprise executive functions:
1 Overall performance and effective operation of services to business, the economy and the regeneration of the borough. To lead on the council having effective communications with residents, stakeholders and other place partners. To lead on the council’s property assets, to maximise the estate to achieve the council’s financial and community objectives.
2 The management, maintenance, improvement, development and redevelopment of Bracknell Town Centre. To have delegated authority to vary the Development Agreement with Bracknell Regeneration Partnership (BRP) regarding the early transfer of land and property interests acquired under the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO).
3 The Cabinet Member for economic activity, business health and employment. This to include development of Business Improvement Districts, employer forums and working with business representative groups like the Chambers of Commerce.
4 To lead on making the borough attractive for inward investment; working to retain businesses and help attract new sectors to the Bracknell Forest area.
5 To be the joint Cabinet Member for the council’s Property Joint Venture. Holding a board role on the Cambium Partnership.
6 To lead on Markets within the borough, including Bracknell Town Centre.
7 The management of all property and land owned by the Council, including the council’s commercial investment portfolio. To lead on maximising the benefits of the estate including sales, acquisitions and disposals to achieve the council’s asset strategy.
8 Strategic and planned maintenance of all Council properties, other than housing properties, as part of the council’s corporate landlord.
9 The corporate public relations, marketing and communications function. To lead on the quality of the engagement with residents, including surveys, questionnaires and formal and informal consultations (not including staff consultations).
10 Any functions under property, regeneration, business engagement or communications which are executive functions, and which do not fall within the remit of another Cabinet portfolio.
11 To represent the Council on, and to liaise with, external organisations delivering services directly impacting on or related to the portfolio for which the Cabinet Member is responsible.