Executive post

Cabinet Member for Council Strategy and Climate Change


The Cabinet Member for Council Strategy and Climate Change is responsible for the following functions, to the extent that they comprise executive functions:


1                   As the Cabinet Leader, to have overall responsibility for providing the vision and strategic direction of the council. Ensuring that the council is inclusive, ambitious and always learning. To ensure that the Nolan Principles of selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership are at the core of the council’s work.


2                   The Leader of the council has the overall fiduciary duty for the council’s Revenue and Capital budgets. Overseeing the annual budget cycle to deliver a balance budget, set and collect Council Tax and other fees and charges. To deliver the Medium-Term Financial Strategy and ensuring adherence to the principles and obligations of sound financial management.


3                   To provide community leadership, having overall responsibility for representing the council and its views to those who live, work or enjoy the borough of Bracknell Forest. To ensure that all people and communities are listen to, have their views taken seriously and are worked with collaboratively when making decisions on how to meet their aspirations.


4                   To be the principal political leader, with responsibilities for coordinating the work of the council, the Cabinet, and all organisations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to achieve the strategic objectives of the borough. To champion the Mayor's charter that sets out the standards of behaviour expected from all councillors at all times.


5                   To act as Chair of meetings of the Cabinet. To appoint Members of the council to the Cabinet, and to allocate responsibilities that are within the Cabinet scheme of executive functions. This to include the discharge of executive functions via the Cabinet as a whole, sub-committees of the Cabinet, individual Members of the Cabinet, an Officer, a joint arrangement or another local authority.


6                   To appoint Members of the council to external bodies, whose functions are the sole responsibility of Bracknell Forest Council’s Cabinet.


7                   The determination of the Terms of Reference for Committees of the Cabinet. This including, the appointment of the Chair and the Vice-Chair of those committees carrying out executive functions.


8                   The council’s vision and strategic direction. Responsibility for the council plan, and the annual service planning cycle. The performance management of the council, including monitoring and being accountable for the delivery of the council’s objectives.


9                   Matters relating to the Local Government Association and regional groupings.


10                To represent the Council on, and to liaise with, external organisations delivering services directly impacting on or related to the portfolio for which the Cabinet Member is responsible.


11                As Cabinet Member for Climate Change, to set the strategic direction for the whole borough. To champion the borough’s climate change work by providing place-based leadership.


12                Advocating for Net zero climate action from the top. Ensuring that the council facilitates the production and implementation of detailed strategic plans for the borough area to achieve Net zero objective set by the council.


13                To have responsibility for monitoring progress in reducing emissions and achieving carbon budgets. Ensuring that climate goals are being met.


14                Promoting community engagement on addressing climate change. This includes involving residents, businesses, and other stakeholders in climate-related initiatives and decision-making processes.


15                Ensuring that climate considerations are integrated across all council services. This includes aligning climate goals with operations, legal services, and member training and development.


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