1 Overall performance and effective operation of services for Children and young people. To keep children safe and able to thrive. To address the needs of each child in the borough, their parents, carers, guardians, and ensure that the borough has a child focus. To collaborates with partners to drive positive change for children. The fostering educational excellence and promoting positive outcomes for children, as they fall under the Director of Children Service (DCS)’s purview (Children’s Act 2004).
2 To be the Cabinet Member responsible for the provision of services to children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) shaping policies, practices, and resources to enhance the lives of children with SEND.
3 The Council’s responsibilities for schools and the provision of education and learning. This to include apprenticeships, alternative provision and related matters. Virtual and extended schools, admissions, attendance, and elective home education.
4 The provision of home to school transport services. The provision of travel training and pathways to independent travel for children and young people.
5 Supporting parents, carers and guardians to ensure that children are safe and thrive. The supportive services for this group, including after-school clubs, breakfast clubs and support during school holidays.
6 The Council’s responsibilities for Adult and Community Learning. This to include further and higher education provisions and providers (including sports academies providing education), as part of life-long learning.
7 The Council’s responsibilities for children’s social care and related matters including transition to adulthood. Holding the Cabinet Member responsibility for inspections, including the Inspection of Local Authority Children Service (ILACS) and Joint Targeted Area Inspections (JTAI).
8 The Early Years and Childcare Services, provided in the community (nursey provision, child minders and pre-schools services).
9 The provision of services for children and families who require support to achieve positive outcomes but who do not require a statutory intervention, including the provision of high quality universal and targeted early and family help, and youth work provision.
10 The Council’s responsibility to young carers, ensuring their needs are assessed and they are supported through transition into adulthood.
11 To be the Cabinet Member with responsibility for Permanency. Representing the Council on the Berkshire Adoption Panel. Representing the Council on the Bracknell Forest and Windsor and Maidenhead Joint Fostering Panel.
12 To lead on corporate parenting, looked after children and care leavers. Championing the needs of looked after children in and from the borough.
13 To lead on the relationship with health for the provision of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
14 Liaison with other providers of services to children and young people.
16 To represent the Council on, and to liaise with, external organisations delivering services directly impacting on or related to the portfolio for which the Cabinet Member is responsible.