1 Overall performance and effective operation of Adult Social Services (including commissioning and market management of the provider market), services to address mental and physical health needs of the community and public health and well-being needs of the borough.
2 The promotion and implementation of “Health in all policies” to improving health and health equity across all service providers within the borough. To lead on addressing the wider determinants of health in all activities that the council undertakes.
3 Lead the relationship with the NHS and its Trusts, providers and ancillary services. The effectiveness of the provision of health services to the borough residents.
4 Council services within hospitals, including hospital discharge, continuing health care assessments and social work practise in health settings.
5 Lead responsibility for Adult safeguarding and the protection of vulnerable people in all settings.
6 The Health & Wellbeing Board, liaison and joint commissioning with providers of health services, the Council’s function on Public Health.
7 The Cabinet Member for community mental health, including those seeking help with drug or alcohol addiction, high risk behaviours and suicide prevention.
8 To represent the Council on the Supporting People Commissioning Body. To represent the Council on the Older People’s Forum.
9 To lead on independent living, including Disabled Facility Grants, Adaptations (prescribed by Occupational Therapists) and social prescribing. Support the voluntary sector to help reduce isolation and loneliness.
10 To represent the Council as a member for the South East Councils with Adult Services responsibilities.
11 The Cabinet Member for the provision of services to adults with learning and intellectual disabilities.
12 To lead on sexual and reproductive health.
13 The Cabinet Member for telecare, assistive technology and services provided by ForestCare, including Out of Hours services.
14 The Cabinet Member for carers providing support to adults (paid or unpaid care) with health or social care needs.
15 Any functions under Adult health and social care which are executive functions, and which do not fall within the remit of another Cabinet portfolio.
16 To represent the Council on, and to liaise with, external organisations delivering services directly impacting on or related to the portfolio for which the Cabinet Member is responsible.