i. the Council should as a matter of Policy enforce the provisions Road
Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 in so far as they relate to
idling of vehicles and where appropriate to do so to issue fixed penalty
notices in accordance with The Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions) (Fixed
penalty) England Regulations 2002;
ii. In accordance with the Council’s Constitution (Part 2: Section 6, Table 1 c)
that the Executive Director - Delivery authorises relevant officers to enforce
the provisions;
iii. the Public Protection Manager on behalf of the Council seeks ‘Designation’
status under Part 2 of the Road Traffic (Vehicle Emissions)(Fixed Penalty)
Regulations 2002 from the Secretary of State in order that it may enforce the
‘emissions offences’ set out in Regulation 61 and 61A Road Vehicles
(Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 as amended;
iv. In accordance with the Councils Constitution (Part 2: Section 6, Table 1 (c)
that the Executive Director - Delivery authorises relevant officers to enforce
the provisions set out in C above should the relevant ‘Designation’ be
granted by the Secretary of State.