That the Executive Member for Council Strategy and Community Cohesion has agreed the:
i. form, content and publication of the ‘Decision Statement’ (set out in Appendix A of the Executive Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration’s
report) pursuant to Regulation 18; and
ii. submission of the modified Bracknell Town Neighbourhood Plan, including associated Policies Maps (contained in Appendices B and C of this report the Executive Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration’s
report) to a local community referendum on the making of the Bracknell Neighbourhood Plan pursuant to paragraph 14 of Schedule 4B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) (“the Act”) (anticipated referendum will be early in September) and,
iii. referendum area be restricted to the neighbourhood area as designated by the Council on 11 February 2014 as the Bracknell Town Neighbourhood Area.