RESOLVED that the Executive:
1 Agree the draft budget proposals for 2021/22 as the basis for consultation with the Overview & Scrutiny Commission and other interested parties or individuals.
2 Agree the Treasury Management Strategy and associated documents at Annexe E of the Borough Treasurer’s report and request that the Governance and Audit Committee review each of the key elements.
3 Note that the Capital Strategy published in 2019 remains relevant and does not require updating at this time.
4 Agree that the 2021/22 Schools Budget be set at the eventual level of the
Dedicated School Grant income plus any accumulated DSG balances and
additional Council funding of £0.253m (paragraph 8.18 of the Borough Treasurer’s report).
5 Authorise the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning to agree the allocation of the sums available for schools funding as set out in
Resolution 4 (above) having regard to the decisions and recommendations of
the Schools Forum and to agree detailed budgets for services centrally
managed by the Council.
6 Agrees that the Council Tax Base be set at 47,624 (Band D equivalents) for
2021/22 as outlined in Annexe H of the Borough Treasurer’s report.
7 Approve the virements relating to the 2020/21 budget as set out in Annexes F and G of the Borough Treasurer’s report and recommends those that are over £0.100m for approval by Council.