Issue - decisions

Capital Programme 2025/26

10/12/2024 - Capital Programme 2025/26



i.       a Council funded capital programme of £8.388m for 2025/26 as set out in paragraph 6.20 and summarised in Annex A, including the new schemes listed in Annexes B – D be approved for consultation.


ii.     the inclusion of £5.998m of expenditure to be externally funded (including £0.380m of S106 funding) as outlined in paragraph 6.22  be approved for consultation.


iii.     the inclusion of an additional budget of £1m for Invest-to-Save schemes be approved for consultation.


RECOMMENDED that Council approves a supplementary capital approval of £2.2m in relation to the grant received in 2024/25 to support the redevelopment of the High Street Car Park.