Issue - decisions

Approval of the Strategic Procurement Plan for Youth Counselling

16/03/2023 - Approval of the Strategic Procurement Plan for Youth Counselling

1.         Executive Member to approve the Strategic Procurement Plan for the provision of Youth Counselling, including both face-to-face and online provision in conjunction with identified need and demand.

2.         Executive Director to approve a 9 month extension of the existing contractual arrangements until the end of September 2023. The total contract value does not exceed legal thresholds so does not require approval from Legal or Procurement. Monitoring arrangements including KPIs will be agreed with operational colleagues and the provider for the extension period.  

3.         Executive Member to agree the proposed contractual term of 5 years with a review of the provision in year 3 via a single, open stage tender.

4.         Executive Member to delegate authority for the contract award decision to the Executive Director: People, subject to successful evaluation of bids. Executive Member to delegate authority for enacting permitted contract extensions to the Executive Director.