1 The Panel shall comprise four members of the Council (for whom substitute members may be appointed), one of whom shall be appointed as Chairman by the Council.
2 The Panel shall also invite representatives of voluntary and other groups concerned with the welfare of disabled people as the Panel might deem appropriate.
3 Forum meetings shall be held three times per year and shall be open to the public.
4 The functions of the Panel shall be:
· To discuss and take steps to resolve access and disability issues raised by organisations and individuals;
· To signpost services offering support for disabled people;
· To examine the services provided by the Council and consider ways in
which the quality and efficiency of such services may be improved to the benefit of disabled people in Bracknell;
· To provide advice to the Executive, Overview & Scrutiny and other
Committees, and officers of the Council as appropriate on these issues.
Support officer: Natasha Bacon. 01344 352044