Terms of Reference
(i) conduct scrutiny reviews or policy development projects approved by the Overview and Scrutiny Commission from an agreed work-programme developed by the Panel, preparing such evidence-based reports and recommendations as it deems necessary.
(ii) at the direction of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission:
· review and/or scrutinise decisions made or actions taken in connection with the discharge of any of the Council’s functions;
· consider any matter affecting the Borough or its residents or businesses.
(iii) have responsibility for performance monitoring activities such as:
· to receive appropriate performance data reports on the work of the relevant Department
· to question any relevant Executive portfolio holder and officers thereon.
· to require reports on such topics / subjects in the departments remit as they deem necessary.
(iv) Where appropriate refer to the Overview and Scrutiny Commission any such issues, arising from the outcome of the scrutiny process, that it considers should be reported to Council.
(v) In addition the Adult Social Care, Health and Housing Overview and Scrutiny Panel (ASCH&H) will:
· undertake all the statutory functions of a scrutiny committee in accordance with Sections 244-246 (and regulations made under those sections) of the National Health Service Act 2006, as amended by the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and subsequent legislation. The power to refer to the Secretary of State concerns over consultations regarding substantial development or variation in health services is reserved for Council decision.
· through constructive challenge and accountability, work with the Executive, the Health and Wellbeing Board and Health Service Providers to help ensure good health services are provided to residents of Bracknell Forest, reducing health inequalities, and helping everyone to stay fit and lead healthy lives.
· recommend to Council that it appoints representatives to the following committees as and when it deems appropriate:
o The Joint East Berkshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
o The Joint East Berkshire Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee with Buckinghamshire County Council.
Support officer: Kirstine Berry.
Postal address:
Democratic Services
Time Square
Market Street
RG12 1JD
Email: kirstine.berry@bracknell-forest.gov.uk