Committee details

Children, Young People & Learning Overview and Scrutiny Panel

Purpose of committee

Terms of Reference

(i)            conduct scrutiny reviews or policy development projects approved  by the Overview and Scrutiny Commission from an agreed work-programme developed by the Panel, preparing such evidence-based reports and recommendations as it deems necessary.

(ii)           at the direction of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission:

·                    review and/or scrutinise decisions made or actions taken in connection with the discharge of any of the Council’s functions;

·                    consider any matter affecting the Borough or its residents or businesses.

(iii)          have responsibility for performance monitoring activities such as:

·                     to receive appropriate performance data reports on the work of the relevant Department

·                     to question any relevant Executive portfolio holder and officers thereon.

·                     to require reports on such topics / subjects in the departments remit as they deem necessary.

(iv)         Where appropriate refer to the Overview and Scruitiny Commission any such issues, arising from the outcome of the scrutiny process, that it considers should be reported to Council.



Contact information

Support officer: Louise Connelly. 01344 354047

Postal address:
Democratic Services
Time Square
Market Street
RG12 1JD
