1 To conduct scrutiny reviews or policy development projects allocated by the Overview and Scrutiny Commission from the corporately agreed work-programme, preparing evidence-based reports and recommendations for consideration by the Commission.
2 At the request of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission:
· To review and/or scrutinise decisions made or actions taken in connection with the discharge of any of the Council's functions
· To consider any matter affecting the Borough or its inhabitants
3 To receive Quarterly Operations Reports on the work of the Social Care and Learning Department and to question the relevant Executive portfolio holder(s) and senior officers thereon, reporting to the Scrutiny Commission where necessary.
Support officer: Emma Silverton. 01344 352281
Postal address:
Democratic Services
Easthampstead House
Town Square
RG12 1AQ
Phone: 01344 352281
Fax: 01344 352810
Email: committee@bracknell-forest.gov.uk