Agenda item

Executive Report

To receive the Leader’s report on the work of the Executive since the Council meeting held on 22 July 2020.


Council is asked to resolve a recommendation in respect of:

·       proposed additions to the current year’s capital programme


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bettison OBE, presented his report on the work of the Executive since that reported at the Council meeting on 22 July 2020. The Executive had met once on 25 August 2020.


The Leader highlighted the following matters that had been considered:


Financial strategy

  • reviewed and updated by Executive to reflect the Covid related pressures and uncertainty
  • Significant Covid-19 related pressures in current year (between £6.8 - £14.2m) concerning car parking, leisure income, social care (adults and children) and The Look Out/Planning Fees
  • best and worst case outturn scenarios had been developed after using contingency funds e.g. best case  -£1.9m and worst case +£5.6m


Budget Planning Framework 2021 onwards

  • seven key budget principles had been agreed in February 2020 and were still valid in Covid/post-Covid world
  • noted many Covid related service/income pressures would continue beyond 2020/21 and that ongoing Government support levels were unknown
  • work was underway planning for worst reasonable case of £15m budget gap over three years


Capital Programme

  • 2019/20 outturn and carry forwards had been agreed
  • Additions to programme recommended to Council relating to Berkshire Archives (£17k), Market Street (£175k) and Cemetery & Crematorium Memorial Area (£54k) together with the retention of Cemetery & Crematorium bungalow for social care and housing needs


Other issues

·         Temporary Changes Addendum agreed for the Statement of Community Involvement

·         Councillors Brunel-Walker and Heydon appointed to the Joint Venture Board

·         Councillor Heydon appointed as a member of the Town Centre Regeneration Committee with Councillors Allen and Atkinson appointed as non-voting observers.


The report contained recommendations that the Council was asked to resolve in respect of proposed additions to the current year’s capital programme.


Councillor Brown asked when it would be assessed how the ongoing pandemic was impacting on social care budgets. Councillor Bettison OBE replied that this was an ongoing process and residents had been asked to complete a questionnaire which looked at the many aspects of the impact of covid on them and their families. The Council was working with third sector partners to ascertain what needs were. He recognised that against a reducing budget there could be individuals who required additional support. 1,800 people volunteered during this period. We need to continue to support those that need help. Councillor Dr Barnard added that in relation to Children’s social care the working practices established within the family safeguarding model mean that need can be assessed and rapid and effective change undertaken to deescalate issues within families to help contain the costs whilst providing support. He added that there was no intention of cutting packages of support but using resources available effectively. Councillor Birch explained the transformation programme was still in place and the Council was looking at outcome based commissioning of services and innovative ways to deliver shared services or facilities with partner agencies.


Financial Update


On the proposition of Councillor Bettison OBE, Leader of the Council, seconded by Councillor Birch it was


RESOLVED that the proposed additions to the current year’s capital programme detailed in paragraph 5.37 of the Director: Resources report at Appendix A of the agenda report be agreed.

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