(Meetings are usually open to the
Terms of
1. Membership and
1.1 The Governance and Audit Committee shall comprise eight Members
of the Council plus one independent Member.
1.2 In order to promote
the independence of the Committee there should be limited cross
membership between the Executive or Overview and Scrutiny
Commission and the Governance and Audit Committee limited to a
maximum of two Members from the Executive and two from the Overview
and Scrutiny Commission. Membership should also include one
independent external person who is not a Bracknell Forest
1.3 The Committee shall
meet four times per year in accordance with a schedule agreed by
Council. Additional meetings may be arranged with the agreement of
the Chairman.
2. Specific
The Committee’s specific functions shall
include but not be limited to -
2.1 External Audit
To consider the external auditors’ annual
letter and ensure that appropriate action is taken in relation to
the issues raised
To approve the external audit plan
To comment on the scope and depth of the external
audit work and to ensure it gives value for money and to make
recommendations as appropriate
To consider any other reports by the external
To liaise with the Audit Commission over the
appointment of the Council’s external auditor
To identify areas of potential work that may be
appropriate for the external auditors
2.2 Internal
Delivery of an adequate and effective system of
internal audit
To consider the Head of Audit and Risk
Management’s annual audit opinion and the level of assurance
given over the Councils corporate governance
To consider regular reports summarising internal
audit activity and make recommendations as appropriate
To consider regular reports on the performance of
internal audit provider as presented by the Head of Audit and Risk
To consider and approve the Internal Audit
To approve the annual internal audit plan, ensuring
that there is sufficient and appropriate coverage
To consider any other reports the Chief Internal
Auditor may make to the Panel.
2.3 Risk
To monitor the adequacy of procedures and processes
in place to manage risk
To seek assurances that action is being taken on
risk related issues
To ensure that assurance statements, including the
Annual Governance Statement, properly reflect the risk
To monitor the adequacy of arrangements in place to
meet best practice standards for good governance
To consider and approve the Annual Governance
To ensure that appropriate action is taken with
respect the issues raised in the Annual Governance
To review any issues of governance referred to the
To review and monitor the Anti-Fraud and Corruption
Review procedures for complaints
2.5 Accounts
To review and approve the annual statement of
accounts. Specifically, to consider whether appropriate accounting
policies have been followed and whether there are concerns arising
from the financial statements or from the audit that need to be
brought to the attention of the Council
To consider the external auditor’s report to
those charged with governance on issues arising from the audit of
the accounts.
2.6 Standards
To advise the Council on promoting and maintaining
high standards of conduct by the
Members and co-opted Members of the Council
To convene Panels to be known as Code of Conduct
Panels to consider allegations of
misconduct against Members (and Co-opted Members) of the Council,
pursuant to the Council’s Code of
Conduct and to impose appropriate sanctions in the case of a breach
being found Each Panel to comprise three
councillors drawn from the Governance & Audit Committee based
on their availability, and one nonvoting co-opted member who is not
a Borough councillor
(a) To assist Members and co-opted Members of the
Council to observe the Codes of Conduct
(b) the adoption and revision of its Codes of
(c) the adoption of appropriate protocols governing
the ethical standards of the Members and Officers of the
To monitor the operation of the Council’s
Codes of Conduct
To advise, train or arrange to train Members and
co-opted Members of the Council on matters relating to their Codes
of Conduct
3. Delegated
3.1 The management of
the internal audit service is delegated to the S151
4. Review of
Terms of Reference
4.1 These Terms of
Reference will be reviewed on an annual basis. Any changes proposed
shall be submitted to Council for approval.