Browse meetings

Local Countryside Access Forum

This page lists the meetings for Local Countryside Access Forum.


Information about Local Countryside Access Forum

·        To represent and be available to local people so that a wide range of local issues can be expressed.

·        To offer advice to Bracknell Forest Council as to the means of improvement of public access to land within the Borough for the purpose of open-air recreation and enjoyment for all.

·        To offer advice to Bracknell Forest Council on all matters relating to Public Rights of Way in the Borough.

·        To assist with the development and implementation of a ‘Rights of Way Improvement Plan’ for the Borough.

·        To comment on the preparation of maps of 'open access' land in the Borough and future management of any such land.

·        To comment on national or local consultation documents relating to public rights of way or access to open countryside.

·        To liaise with neighbouring Local Access Forums on matters of shared interest, and with other groups or agencies with an interest in the Borough's countryside.

·        To provide input to, and comment on, other Strategies and Plans being developed by the Borough Council, such as the Local Transport Plan, Local Plan, Children’s Play Strategy, Walking Strategy, Cycling Strategy etc.