Venue: Council Chamber - Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD
Contact: Jamie Beardsmore 01344 352500
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on . Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2024 were approved as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary or affected interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.
Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.
Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Urgent Items of Business Any other items which, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman decides are urgent. Minutes: There were no urgent items of business. |
PS 23/00500/FUL Garages (Rear Of 2) Shepherds Lane Bracknell Berkshire Proposed redevelopment of the site to provide 8 no. dwellinghouses (3 x 3 bedroom and 5 x 2 bedroom units), with associated car parking, cycle parking, refuse and recycling storage, amenity space, landscaping and other associated works, following demolition of existing garages. Minutes: Proposed redevelopment of the site to provide 8 no. dwellinghouses (3 x 3 bedroom and 5 x 2 bedroom units), with associated car parking, cycle parking, refuse and recycling storage, amenity space, landscaping and other associated works, following demolition of existing garages.
The Committee Noted: · The objections of Bracknell Town Council as outlined in the report. · The objections received from 10 addresses as found in the report. · A site visit on 11 January date with Councillors Brown, Collings, McKenzie Boyle, Penfold, Pressland, Temperton, Smith and Zahuruddin, in attendance. · The supplementary report tabled the day prior to the meeting. · 2 additional objections as outlined in the supplementary report.
Following the completion of planning obligation(s) under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 relating to:
Thames Basins Heath SPA;
- make changes to the site access onto Shepherds Lane including improvement of pedestrian crossing arrangements and relocation of a telegraph post; - for adoption of site roads up to and including turning areas required for refuse collection and also the pedestrian footway/footpath between Shepherds Lane and St Anthonys Close including adjacent margins, street lighting (with an SSEN DNO connection for street lighting in adopted areas) and drainage of the areas to be adopted; - to introduce an informal crossing point across St Anthonys Close at the point at which the footpath link from the site emerges onto St Anthonys Close; - any related works required by the Local Highway Authority including inter alia utility works required in order to deliver the Section 38/278 works.
the Assistant Director: Planning be authorised to APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as the Assistant: Director: Planning considers necessary:
01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
02. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority: Drawing - Proposed site plan Rev P20 received 12 Dec ’24 Drawing – general arrangement Rev N received 12 Dec ’24 Drawing – proposed site layout plan with highway details Rev P03 received 15 Nov ’24 Drawing – pedestrian visibility splays Rev P03 received 15 Nov ’24 Drawing – proposed site layout plan with tracking diagrams Rev P06 received 15Nov ‘24 Drawing – GA proposed elevations – plots 1, 2 and 3 Rev P8 received 8 Oct ’24 Drawing – GA proposed elevations – plots 4, 5, 6 and 7 Rev P7 received 8 Oct ’24 Drawing – GA elevations – plot 8 Rev P3 received 8 Oct ... view the full minutes text for item 58. |
24/00324/FUL Land North Of Cain Road Cain Road Bracknell Berkshire S73 application to vary condition 02 (approved plans and documents) and condition 42 (restriction on the number of care home bedrooms) of planning permission 20/00947/FUL for the erection of care home (Class C2) with garden, parking and dedicated access off Turnpike Road and erection of 50 dwellings (5 no. one bedroom, 12 no. two bedroom, and 33 no. three bedroom) with associated parking, landscaping and access off Cain Road. [Note for clarification: The original description of development (20/00947/FUL) was amended via an agreed s96a application (22/00720/NMA) to omit reference to the number of bedrooms in the care home and include a condition, condition 42, securing the number of bedrooms as being 68. The above description of development is in line with what was agreed. The changes sought are to the care home element only and would include a substation, changes to the car park layout, a portico to the front entrance, changes to the building’s fenestration and the reduction in the number of bedrooms in the care home from 68 to 62]. Minutes: S73 application to vary condition 02 (approved plans and documents) and condition 42 (restriction on the number of care home bedrooms) of planning permission 20/00947/FUL for the erection of care home (Class C2) with garden, parking and dedicated access off Turnpike Road and erection of 50 dwellings (5 no. one bedroom, 12 no. two bedroom, and 33 no. three bedroom) with associated parking, landscaping and access off Cain Road. [Note for clarification: The original description of development (20/00947/FUL) was amended via an agreed s96a application (22/00720/NMA) to omit reference to the number of bedrooms in the care home and include a condition, condition 42, securing the number of bedrooms as being 68. The above description of development is in line with what was agreed. The changes sought are to the care home element only and would include a substation, changes to the car park layout, a portico to the front entrance, changes to the building’s fenestration and the reduction in the number of bedrooms in the care home from 68 to 62].
The Committee noted: · The 6 objections received as outlined in the report. · That no comments had been received from Binfield Parish Council. · The supplementary report.
RESOLVED that the Assistant Director: Planning be authorised to APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as the Assistant Director: Planning considers necessary:
01. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of permission 20/00947/FUL. REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
02. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: -
- Plan - Site Layout 2851-C-1005-PL T.1 22/09/2021 - Plan - Phasing Plan 2851-C-1006-PL T.1 22/09/2021 - Plan - Parking Plan 2851-A-1700-PL J 22/09/2021 - Plan - Refuse Plan 2851-A-1701-PL J 22/09/2021 - Plan - Street Elevations AA & FF 2851-C-1010-PL K 17/09/2021 - Plan - Street Elevations BB & EE 2851-C-1011-PL H 18/08/2021 - Plan - Street Elevations CC & DD 2851-C-1012-PL L 28/09/2021 - Plan - Plots 1-2 2851-C-3000-PL B 28/04/2021 20/00947/FUL - Plan - Plots 3-4 2851-C-3001-PL H 27/08/2021 - Plan - Plots 5-6 2851-C-3005-PL B 28/04/2021 - Plan - Plots 13-14 2851-C-3006-PL B 28/04/2021 - Plan - Plots 7-8 2851-C-3010-PL B 28/04/2021 - Plan - Plots 15-16 2851-C-3011-PL B 28/04/2021 - Plan - Plots 9-12 (Floor Plans) 2851-A-3015-PL C 21/07/2021 - Plan - Plots 9-12 (Elevation & Section) 2851-C-3016-PL C 21/07/2021 - Plan - Plots 17-29 (Floor Plans) 2851-A-3040-PL B 28/04/2021 - Plan - Plots 17-29 (Elevation & Section) 2851-C-3041-PL C 21/07/2021 - Plan - Plots 30-32 2851-C-3045-PL B 28/04/2021 - Plan - Plots 37-39 2851-C-3050-PL B 28/04/2021 - Plan - Plots 33-36 2851-C-3055-PL B 30/04/2021 - Plan - Plots 40-41 2851-C-3060-PL C 21/07/2021 - Plan - Plots 42-47 (Floor Plans) 2851-A-3070-PL C 21/07/2021 - Plan - Plots 42-47 (Elevation & Section) 2851-C-3071-PL B 21/07/2021 - Plan - Plots 48-50 2851-C-3080-PL D 17/09/2021 - Plan - Plot 50 2851-C-3085-PL C ... view the full minutes text for item 59. |
24-00595/LB South Hill Park, Ringmead, Birch Hill, Bracknell RG12 7PA Proposed replacement of existing split air conditioning unit to 1st floor meeting / Moore room and replacement of rooftop/loft located air handling unit (AHU) and chiller unit serving atrium cafe.
Minutes: Proposed replacement of existing split air conditioning unit to 1st floor meeting / Moore room and replacement of rooftop/loft located air handling unit (AHU) and chiller unit serving atrium cafe.
The Committee noted:
· No objections had been raised by Bracknell Town Council · That no other representations had been received.
RESOLVED that the listed building consent be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.
REASON: To accord with s.18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, and to allow the Local Planning Authority to reconsider the desirability of the proposal if it is not carried out within that time.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans and other submitted details:
Proposed roof plan: 5228689-ATRL-XX-XX-DR-ARC-10001 - received 16.9.2024. Proposed AHU and Condensers: 5228689-ATRL-XX-XX-DR-ARC-10002 - 10.10.2024 Proposed AHI Elevation: 5228689-ATRL-XX-XX-DR-ARC-10003 - 10.10.2024 Proposed services layout 5228689-ATRL-XX-XX-DR-ME-800001 - Existing MEC Layout - AC-A1 - received 16.9.2024. Proposed AHU Services Layout: 5228689-ATRL-XX-XX-DR-ME-800006 - PROPOSED MEC Layout - AHU-A1 -received 16.9.2024.
REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.