Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Tuesday, 6 June 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Zoom Meeting. View directions

Contact: Lizzie Rich  01344 352253


No. Item


Election of Chair


RESOLVED that Cllr Megan Wright be elected chair of the Board for the 2023/24 municipal year.


Appointment of Vice-Chair


RESOLVED that Nicola Airey be appointed vice chair for the 2023/24 municipal year.


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary or affected interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.


Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.


Any Member with an affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting.  There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.


Urgent Items of Business

Any other items which the chairman decides are urgent.


There were no urgent items of business.


Minutes from Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Board held on 21 February 2023.


The minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2023 were approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


There were no matters arising.


Public Participation

QUESTIONS: If you would like to ask a question you must arrive 15 minutes before the start of the meeting to provide the clerk with your name, address and the question you would like to ask. Alternatively, you can provide this information by email to the clerk at at least two hours ahead of a meeting. The subject matter of questions must relate to an item on the Board’s agenda for that particular meeting. The clerk can provide advice on this where requested.



PETITIONS: A petition must be submitted a minimum of seven working days before a Board meeting and must be given to the clerk by this deadline. There must be a minimum of ten signatures for a petition to be submitted to the Board. The subject matter of a petition must be about something that is within the Board’s responsibilities. This includes matters of interest to the Board as a key stakeholder in improving the health and wellbeing of communities.


No petitions had been received, nor had anyone indicated a wish to put a question to the Board.


Health and Wellbeing Strategy Performance Dashboard pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To approve the Health and Wellbeing Strategy performance dashboard and receive the delivery update in quarter one on the following:


·       Community map (priority 1 and 3)

·       Self-harm (Priority 2)

·       Mental health awareness training (Priority 2)

·       Green volunteering (Priority 3)

·       Impact of Covid -health survey (Priority 4)

·       Whole system approach to obesity (Priority 5)

Additional documents:


The Board received delivery updates on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, agreed by the previous board.  A recap was provided by Heema Shukla on the Strategy and the six priorities with five being the key outcomes for the health of the population.  These were:


1.     Support for physical and emotional health for children

2.     Promotion of mental health

3.     Reducing social isolation

4.     Keeping residents safe from infection and learning form Covid-19

5.     Years lived with good health. 


In terms of delivery, the statutory responsibility sat with the Health and Wellbeing Board.  There were various forums and committees that had a remit for the biggest priority groups.  These included the Children and Young People’s Partnership Board which linked with priority one. The Children and Young People’s Early Wellbeing and Mental Health Forum, the Children and Young People’s Emotional, Wellbeing and Mental Health Forum, the Mental Health Delivery Group which sat with priority two.  The Ageing Well Forum linked to priority three.  The Health Protection Forum linked to priority four.  The Living Well Board and CVD Prevention Group linked with priority five.


The dashboard on process milestones and outputs was presented.  Indicators would be measured on a short- and long-term basis.  This was shared so that the board could discuss and agree the approach.  The following points were noted:


·       Was it appropriate to have oversight in a forum that wasn’t Bracknell Forest centric. The question was asked was it appropriate to have the Integrated Care System (ICS) as part of the governance structure.  It was outlined that whilst a lot of work took place in Bracknell Forest it was also aligned to the ICS strategy and a lot of learning and sharing took place from the ICS boards.

·       The lack of the Place Committee’s role in the oversight and governance was raised.  This was agreed to be added.

·       The use of quantitative date in year one was challenged, and it was proposed that this would fail to highlight trends. 

·       The purpose of the board was also to share good practice and focus on areas of excellence.  A suggestion was made that the role of the board and level of detail required should be discussed further. 

·       The board needed a high-level picture and indicators, qualitative data would provide greater understanding for issues that were being looked at. 

·       Establish a small task and finish group to look at what needed to be reported so that information remained the same at each board. 

ACTIONto put this in place before the next meeting – Heema Shukla


Development of a simple streamlined visual of the activities that fed into the Health and Wellbeing Board was agreed due to multiple agencies, projects and activities.  This could also lead to resetting the direction of the Health and Wellbeing Board.  ACTION Heema Shukla, Grainne Siggins and Nicola Airey to discuss this further.


Project leads presented updates as follows:


The community asset map project


Katherine Davies presented the Board with slides that gave an overview of the community asset  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Better Care Fund - Year End Report pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To approve the Better Care Fund year-end report and receive additional information about the performance against national metrics spend of the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund 22/23 and local achievements in 22/23.


Additional documents:


A brief update was provided by Sarah Van Heerde on the Better Care Fund end of year report, included as an appendix in the agenda.  The aim of the end of year report was to provide an indication of what had been achieved within the plan and the outcomes.  A value for money assessment at a high level was provided.  Work had taken place to review section 75, the formal agreement between the parties.


A question was asked about how a copy of the value for money for Better Care Fund report could be obtained.  It was confirmed that this could be shared.


Better Care Fund Plan 2023-25 pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To inform the Health and Wellbeing Board of the national planning requirements for the Better Care Fund (BCF) 2023-2025 and the Bracknell Forest approach, and to seek approval to delegate authority to the Executive Director: People, Bracknell Forest Council to sign off the BCF 23-25 Plan by 28 June 2023 in order to ensure national compliance.

Additional documents:


The board were given an overview of the Better Care Fund (BCF) Plan by Sarah Van Heerde and Grainne Siggins.  It was noted that:


·       This was currently in the middle of the planning cycle, developing priorities and setting performance targets.  This would consider the complexity of needs and ongoing development of schemes.   The approach would be to continue to develop the priorities set towards the end of 2022. 

·       Agreement was in place to discuss the detailed plan with the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board which would need to be agreed before formal submission.


The board agreed that there was a requirement for the NHS to put a greater minimum contribution into the BCF. There would need to be additional narrative around how this would be used.  It was noted that there was a plan outlining this and it was agreed that the Health and Wellbeing Board should be presented with a few bullet points from the plan regarding what the additional investment would buy.


A question was asked about what the national metrics were based on.  It was confirmed that the Better Care Fund nationally set these but that there was the opportunity to add metrics if it was felt strongly. 


An additional metric that the board felt strongly about was discussed.  This was around independence and preventing falls and how this was measured and could be improved.  This would contribute to measuring the size of the problem in Bracknell Forest and assist putting prevention plans in place.  It was identified that there was a need to connect people in the community and support them in the early stages when they were not able to feed themselves because of mobility issues or showing early signs of dementia.  An example was given of an authority which trained their refuse collection teams to take note of changes to properties, e.g. unkempt lawn, milk bottles not being collected, that could signify problems being experienced by the occupiers. 


Agency Updates

To receive any other updates from members.


There were no agency updates.