Venue: Online Only via Zoom
Contact: Hannah Harding 01344 352308
Link: This meeting will be held online
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 29 September 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2021 were approved as a correct record. |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary or affected interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.
Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.
Any Member with an Affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting. There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Urgent Items of Business Any other items which, pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman decides are urgent. Minutes: There were no urgent items of business. |
20/00571/FUL Land R/O 89 Locks Ride, Ascot PDF 820 KB Construction of 7no. dwellings (1no. three-bedroom and 6no. four-bedroom detached houses) with associated garages, parking, access and landscaping. Minutes: This item was deferred from the agenda. |
21/00217/FUL Land At Formerly The Mango Tree, 63 Church Street, Crowthorne PDF 494 KB Construction of a replacement building to provide 8 No. residential flats with ancillary car parking and landscaping. Minutes: Construction of a replacement building to provide 8 No. residential flats with ancillary car parking and landscaping.
The Committee noted: · The supplementary report tabled at the meeting. · The comments of Crowthorne Parish Council recommending approval to the proposal as detailed in the agenda. · The 12 letters of objection received as summarised in the agenda. · The 1 letter which neither supported nor objected to the proposal, as detailed in the agenda.
Following the completion of planning obligation(s) under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 relating to:
- Measures to avoid and mitigate the impact of residential development upon the Thames Basins Heath SPA. - Requirement to enter into S278 for the construction of the access.
RECOMMENDED that the Assistant Director: Planning APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as the Assistant Director: Planning considers necessary: -
01. The use hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 49 Planning Committee 14th October 2021
02. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans and other submitted details: - 791.050F Proposed Site Plan 953.022M Proposed Site Plan 953.020G Proposed Elevations 953.021H Proposed Floor Plans 953.024B Proposed Street Scene REASON: To ensure that the development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.
03. The following, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the relevant part of the work is begun:
a) Sample panel of all facing materials, including previously retained bricks to be used under 17/01273/FUL and a sample panel(s) of brickwork which demonstrates the brick type, colour, texture, face bond, mortar mix and pointing, to be erected on site and maintained there during the course of construction; b) Samples and/or manufacturer's details of the roof materials for the proposed works, c) Plan and elevation, with materials annotated, of all new window openings (showing brick gauged headers); d). Plan and elevation drawings, with materials annotated, of all new doors at a minimum scale of 1:10 with typical moulding and architrave; The relevant part of the works shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the approved details. REASON: In order to safeguard the appearance of a building in a Conservation Area in accordance with the requirements of policy. [Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20 and Core Strategy DPD CS1]
04. The following, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the relevant part of the work is begun:
• schedule of materials and finishes for the hard landscaping including car parking and access road surfaces. All work shall be carried out in full accordance with the approved document(s). REASON: In order to safeguard the appearance of the site in a Conservation Area in accordance with the requirements of policy. [Relevant Policies: BFBLP EN20 and Core Strategy ... view the full minutes text for item 72. |
20/00947/FUL Land North Of Cain Road, Cain Road, Bracknell PDF 735 KB Erection of 68 bed care home (Class C2) with garden, parking and dedicated access off Turnpike Road and erection of 50 dwellings (5 no. one bedroom, 12 no. two bedroom, and 33 no. three bedroom) with associated parking, landscaping and access off Cain Road. Minutes: Erection of 68 bed care home (Class C2) with garden, parking and dedicated access off Turnpike Road and erection of 50 dwellings (5 no. one bedroom, 12 no. two bedroom and 33 no. three bedroom) with associated parking, landscaping and access off Cain Road.
The Committee noted: · The supplementary report tabled at the meeting. · The comments of Binfield Parish Council objecting to the proposal as detailed in the agenda. · The 8 letters of objection received as summarised in the agenda. · The 2 additional letters of representation as detailed in the supplementary report.
Following the completion of planning obligation(s) under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act related to:
- Entering into s278 Agreement with the Highway Authority relating to the creation of a new access onto Turnpike Road, creation of pedestrian and cycle access points onto Turnpike Road and Cain Road, and any other changes or remedial work to the adopted highway, - Entering into a s38 Agreement with the Highway Authority for adoption, as a minimum, of the north-south footway/cycleway; and carriageway, footways, margins and street lighting within the site - Private Access and Footpath (PAF) clauses - Travel Plan - Affordable Housing - Community Facility Contribution - Contribution towards off-site OSPV at Farley Wood - SuDS specification/implementation/Management and Maintenance Strategy including monitoring contribution - SPA Mitigation - Restriction on Use of Building to Class C2 purposes - Funding for Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) - Contribution towards achieving off-site Biodiversity Net Gain including a monitoring contribution
RECOMMENDED that the Assistant Director: Planning APPROVE the application subject to the following conditions amended, added to or deleted as the Assistant Director: Planning considers necessary:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission. REASON: To comply with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
2. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following approved plans and documents: - Plan - Site Layout 2851-C-1005-PL T.1 22/09/2021 Plan - Parking Plan 2851-A-1700-PL J 22/09/2021 Plan - Refuse Plan 2851-A-1701-PL J 22/09/2021 Plan - Street Elevations AA & FF 2851-C-1010-PL K 17/09/2021 Plan - Street Elevations BB & EE 2851-C-1011-PL H 18/08/2021 Plan - Street Elevations CC & DD 2851-C-1012-PL L 28/09/2021 Plan - Plots 1-2 2851-C-3000-PL B 28/04/2021 Plan - Plots 3-4 2851-C-3001-PL H 27/08/2021 Plan - Plots 5-6 2851-C-3005-PL B 28/04/2021 Plan - Plots 13-14 2851-C-3006-PL B 28/04/2021 Plan - Plots 7-8 2851-C-3010-PL B 28/04/2021 Plan - Plots 15-16 2851-C-3011-PL B 28/04/2021 Plan - Plots 9-12 (Floor Plans) 2851-A-3015-PL C 21/07/2021 Plan - Plots 9-12 (Elevation & Section) 2851-C-3016-PL C 21/07/2021 Plan - Plots 17-29 (Floor Plans) 2851-A-3040-PL B 28/04/2021 Plan - Plots 17-29 (Elevation & Section) 2851-C-3041-PL C 21/07/2021 Plan - Plots 30-32 2851-C-3045-PL B 28/04/2021 Plan - Plots 37-39 2851-C-3050-PL B 28/04/2021 Plan - Plots 33-36 2851-C-3055-PL B 30/04/2021 Plan - Plots 40-41 2851-C-3060-PL C 21/07/2021 Plan - Plots 42-47 (Floor Plans) 2851-A-3070-PL C 21/07/2021 Plan - Plots 42-47 (Elevation & Section) 2851-C-3071-PL B ... view the full minutes text for item 73. |