Agenda and draft minutes

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) - Tuesday, 9 July 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Function Room - Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD. View directions

Contact: Lizzie Rich  01344 352253


No. Item

The meeting was inquorate and was held in an advisory capacity


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 14 March 2024


The minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2024 could not be approved as the meeting was inquorate.


Membership Update


This item was deferred to the next meeting.


Action Plan: Monitoring and Evaluation of GCSE and A-Level results pdf icon PDF 125 KB

Additional documents:


This item was deferred to the next meeting.


It was hoped that the next meeting could include the unvalidated data from this summer’s exam results.


Artefacts work and plan pdf icon PDF 32 KB


Vicki Gibson thanked all those SACRE members who had been involved in the work on the SACRE artefacts, which were now presented in Bracknell library.


There was outstanding work planned on some artefacts, and some SACRE members planned to visit together to complete the work and learn from each others’ exhibits.


It was noted that some Sikh items needed to be discarded as they were out of date or no longer appropriate. SACRE members were reminded that any items which were discarded needed to be logged and removed from the catalogue.


Vicki agreed to get in contact with each faith representative separately.


Bracknell Library had offered to purchase any books which were relevant to this work.


RE network meeting feedback


The recent RE Network meeting had not been as well attended as had been hoped, however Anne shared a version of the syllabus as well as a range of resources with those teachers who were in attendance. Teachers had fed back that they liked the new syllabus’ approach, particularly the flexibility for schools to choose to do things differently.


Anne offered to share the resources which were being shared with teachers.


It was hoped that the next RE Network meeting would be in person, at the artefacts display at the library. SACRE members representing their religion or worldview were invited to join this Network meeting to meet teachers and discuss artefacts. The date was to be confirmed.


SACRE members with relevant books to donate to the library should contact the library to discuss this, and Vicki offered to meet with Dilip and library staff to discuss a Hindu book donation.




NASACRE conference pdf icon PDF 61 KB


Anne Andrews updated on her experience of the NASACRE conference. Vicki Gibson had submitted a report on her experience with the agenda.


The conference discussed big issues in the RE teaching world, including teacher recruitment. It was notable that the conference had happened before the general election, and the new government planned to address teacher recruitment including that of RE teachers.


The conference had discussed NASACRE’s proposal to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). While the function of NASACRE would be unchanged, it would provide suitable a legal basis for the organisation to write contract, hold bank accounts, employ staff and provide legal indemnity for the Executive. An Extraordinary General Meeting was planned for the Autumn to vote on the proposal.


Vicki commented about some ideas for further improving SACRE work, including supporting schools through looking at data and inviting RE learners to speak with SACRE.  


SACRE discussed an idea for teachers to contact SACRE members directly, including a published contact list. Anne stressed that anyone wishing to speak in schools should undertake the RE Hubs training, which would mean that schools could find verified speakers for their schools.  


SACRE newsletter


SACRE members were asked for any items for the next SACRE newsletter by the end of the summer holidays.


Interfaith meeting pdf icon PDF 943 KB


Dilip Ladwa gave an update on the recent Interfaith meeting which had seen good attendance across faith and Council representatives.


Madeline Diver, the outgoing Chair of the Interfaith Forum, handed over the Chair to Kathy Hadfield and the Committee members for the Forum had been identified.


The keynote speakers was Cecily Mwaniki from Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust who spoke on Mental Health and the impact in faith communities. It was noted that people of faith sometimes did not speak about mental health challenges.


It was noted that the national Interfaith Forum had been dissolved under the previous government.


SACRE members were invited to join future Interfaith Forum meetings, and invitations would be circulated to all SACRE members.


SACRE members welcomed the Interfaith Forum’s in person meeting and wondered whether the next SACRE meeting could also be in person.



Any Other Business


SACRE decided to hold its next meeting in October in person at the Council offices, Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell. It was stressed that it was important for the next meeting to be quorate in order to come to an agreement on the syllabus. In order to assist attendance, a later start of 5:30pm was agreed, with refreshments from 5pm.


SACRE discussed some difficulties in meeting with other faith representatives on other Berkshire SACREs to work on the syllabus in faith groups.


Dates of Future Meetings

16 October 2024

5 March 2025


16 October 2024

5 March 2025