Agenda and draft minutes

Council - Wednesday, 8 January 2025 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD. View directions

Contact: Hannah Harding  01344 352308


No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 27 November 2024.


It was noted that Councillor Harrison had declared an interest as he had been involved in the local ward member Warfield Hub Steering Group meetings.


It was also noted that there was two typographical error under minutes 34, relating to the number of question 5 and a duplication of the words “that cabinet aware member aware”.


Subject to those amendments it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 27 November 2024 be approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record.




Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary or affected interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.


Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.


Any Member with an affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting.  There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting.


The Mayor welcomed Councillor Donna Pressland, who was attending her first Council meeting since being elected.


The Mayor reminded members of the core protocols governing Council meetings.


The Mayor reported on her activities and events attended since the last Council




Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor welcomed Councillor Donna Pressland, who was attending her first Council meeting since being elected.


The Mayor reminded members of the core protocols governing Council meetings.


The Mayor reported on her activities and events attended since the last Council




Cabinet Report pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To receive the Leader’s report on the work of the Cabinet since the Council meeting held on 27 November 2024.


Council is asked to resolve a recommendation in respect of:


·       Capital Programme 2025/26

·       Revenue Budget 2025/26

Additional documents:


The leader of the council, Councillor Temperton, presented her report on the work of

the Cabinet since that reported at the Council meeting on 27 November 2024. The Cabinet had met once, on the 10 December 2024.


The leader highlighted the matters that had been considered within her presentation:

Cabinet Report - Leader's Presentation


The report contained recommendations that the council was asked to resolve in

respect of the following:


  1. Capital Programme 2025/26
  2. Revenue Budget 2025/26



Capital Programme 2025/26


On the proposition of Councillor Neil, Cabinet Member for Finance & Corporate Improvement and seconded by Councillor Temperton it was RESOLVED that the Council approve a supplementary capital approval of £2.2m in relation to the grant received in 2024/25 to support the redevelopment of the High Street Car Park.


Revenue Budget 2025/26



On the proposition of Councillor Neil, Cabinet Member for Finance & Corporate Improvement and seconded by Councillor Temperton it was RESOLVED Council approve the virements relating to the 2024/25 budget as set out in Annexes F and G that are over £0.100m.



Adoption Of the Draft Statement of Licensing Policy Principles Under S.349 of The Gambling Act 2005 pdf icon PDF 106 KB

To consider the responses received during the consultation on the revised draft Statement of Gambling Policy Principles and the recommendation from the Licensing and Safety Committee following that consultation

Additional documents:


The Council considered the report regarding the amended Statement of Gambling Policy Principles under the Gambling Act 2005.


On the proposition of Councillor O’Regan Vice-Chair of the Licensing and Safety Committee and seconded by Councillor Frewer it was RESOLVED that Council


a)    Considers the revised draft Statement and the consultation responses received.

b)    Approves for adoption and publication, by 31st January 2025, the Statement with or without modification.

c)     Amends the Council’s approved Scheme of Delegation on licensing functions under the Gambling Act 2005 and associated regulations, to delegate, to the Licensing and Safety Committee, any future minor amendments to the Statement as may be deemed necessary by that Committee as a result of any future minor revisions to the legislation or associated guidance.




Minor Updates to Statement of Licensing Policy Arising From Revised S182 Guidance pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To consider minor updates to the Licensing Policy arising from the revised S182 Guidance issued in December 2023.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the report regarding minor updates to the Licensing Policy arising from the revised S182 Guidance issued in December 2023.


On the proposition of Councillor O’Regan Vice-Chair of the Licensing and Safety Committee and seconded by Councillor Frewer it was RESOLVED that Council


a)    Approves the proposed minor amendments to Bracknell Forest Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy referred to in this report, with or without modification.

b)    Agrees that the Council’s approved scheme of delegation on licensing functions under the licensing Act 2003 and associated regulations, be amended to delegate, to the Licensing and Safety Committee, any future minor amendments to Bracknell Forest Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy as may be deemed necessary by that Committee as a result of any future minor revision to the Home Office’s Statutory Guidance issued under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003.




Questions Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 10 pdf icon PDF 128 KB

i.       By Councillor Gaw to Councillor Gillbe, Cabinet Member for Planning & Transport


What is the process for issuing contractor work permits for the roads within Bracknell Forest?  Can you also please provide details of what measures are taken when the contracted works overrun the work permit time specification?


ii.     By Councillor Gaw to Councillor Purnell, Cabinet Member for Environment, Community and Housing


It was good to note that funding was available for home energy efficiency upgrades, particularly for those eligible on medical grounds, through the council’s Warm, Safe and Well scheme, The Energy Company obligation scheme (EC04) or the Great British Insulation Scheme (GBIS). The aim being to fund home heating improvements for residents vulnerable to the effects of the cold due to long term health conditions and disabilities.


What was the sum of the total funding available and how were the successful applicants determined from the pool of applicants who applied supplying medical evidence of their long-term health conditions and disabilities?


iii.    By Councillor Smith to Councillor Gillbe, Cabinet Member for Planning and Transport:


Can the cabinet member advise council on the impact of recent changes to the NPPF on Bracknell Forest, specifically the increased house building targets and changes to rules around development on the greenbelt? How will the council respond to these demands in a transparent and sustainable manner, whilst protecting the green areas which contribute so much to the character of our borough?


iv.    By Councillor T Eberle to Councillor Gillbe, Cabinet Member for Planning and Transport:


Further to the recent petition calling for urgent safety improvements at the junction between Easthampstead Road and Old Wokingham Road, which has attracted significant public support, please can the cabinet member advise on what efforts are being made together with Wokingham Borough Council to swiftly address this issue for the safety of our joint residents?


The four questions and responses submitted under the Council Procedure Rule 10

were published in advance of the meeting – Responses to questions submitted under Council Procedure Rule 10


  1. By Councillor Gaw to Councillor Gillbe, Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Countryside


As a supplementary question to her question detailed in the agenda papers, Councillor Gaw asked the Cabinet Member about the council's success in securing fines and penalties for work over-runs by contractors, considering legislation allows a £750 daily charge.


Councillor Gillbe confirmed that he would obtain the data on fines and penalties for delayed developments and deliver a formal written response.


  1. By Councillor Gaw to Councillor Temperton, Leader and Cabinet Member for Council Strategy and Climate Change

·       As a supplementary question to her question detailed in the agenda papers, Councillor Gaw asked the Cabinet Member whether residents with long-term illnesses who had previously been unsuccessful in receiving funding from any schemes would be reconsidered in the next tranche of funding.


Councillor Temperton stated that she believed they would be able to reapply and would confirm that this is the case.


  1. By Councillor Smith to Councillor Gillbe, Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Countryside

No supplementary question was asked.


  1. By Councillor T Eberle to Councillor Gillbe, Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Countryside


As a supplementary question to her question detailed in the agenda papers, Councillor T Eberle asked the Cabinet Member if complications from the junction spanning two boroughs impacted the traffic lights consideration. She also inquired if this would be addressed in the cross-council meeting and if quicker, more efficient measures would be considered.


Councillor Gillbe confirmed that the traffic light issue required additional work due to the involvement of two councils. However, the primary obstacle was that the land needed for the traffic lights was privately owned. Councillor Gillbe stated that the Council is open to considering any proposals from councillors or residents at a meeting with Wokingham Borough Council.




Motion (or Motions) Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 11

Motion 01/2025 moved by Councillor M Forster and seconded by Councillor Zahuruddin


Council expresses great concern in relation to the deplorable conduct of a councillor towards officers, as revealed in the proceedings of the Code of Conduct Panel on 10 December 2024.



·       Commends the work of the Monitoring Officer in this case.

·       Reaffirms its commitment to the Code of Conduct for Councillors and co-opted members. Specifically, that councillors should treat others with respect, and not bring themselves or the Council into disrepute.

·       Reaffirms its commitment to the Mayor’s Charter, and specifically that councillors must treat everyone with respect, and not engage in bullying or harassment.

·       Reaffirms its commitment to the Member and Officer Protocol in the Constitution. Specifically, that contacts between Members and Officers should be of a high standard, and that Members and Officers must work together in a harmonious relationship based upon mutual respect and courtesy.

·       Asks the Leader of the Council to make representations to government, to seek to strengthen the standards regime in local government, particularly on the range and strength of sanctions available for breaches of the Code of Conduct for Councillors. 


Motion 02/2025 moved by Councillor Temperton and seconded by Councillor Gillbe


Council acknowledges the proposals contained in the devolution white paper published by government on 16 December 2025, including the establishment of strategic authorities that will receive devolved powers from government and the commitment to local government reorganisation.


This council commits to working with other local councils to ensure the best possible long term outcome for the residents of Bracknell Forest and for Bracknell Forest as a place.


Motion 01/2025


Since the agenda had been published the mayor advised that there was a minor alteration to the motion (highlighted below in bold).


“Council expresses great concern in relation to the deplorable conduct of a councillor towards officers, as revealed in the proceedings of the Code of Conduct Panel on 10 December 2024.


       Commends the work of the Monitoring Officer in this case and reaffirms its commitment to the Nolan Principles for the Conduct of Public Life.


Motion 01/2025 was moved by Councillor M Forster and seconded by Councillor Zahuruddin as follows


Council expresses great concern in relation to the deplorable conduct of a councillor towards officers, as revealed in the proceedings of the Code of Conduct Panel on 10 December 2024.


       Commends the work of the Monitoring Officer in this case and reaffirms its commitment to the Nolan Principles for the Conduct of Public Life.

       Reaffirms its commitment to the Code of Conduct for Councillors and co-opted members. Specifically, that councillors should treat others with respect, and not bring themselves or the Council into disrepute.

       Reaffirms its commitment to the Mayor’s Charter, and specifically that councillors must treat everyone with respect, and not engage in bullying or harassment.

       Reaffirms its commitment to the Member and Officer Protocol in the Constitution. Specifically, that contacts between Members and Officers should be of a high standard, and that Members and Officers must work together in a harmonious relationship based upon mutual respect and courtesy.

       Asks the Leader of the Council to make representations to government, to seek to strengthen the standards regime in local government, particularly on the range and strength of sanctions available for breaches of the Code of Conduct for Councillors.


On being put to the vote the motion was carried.



Motion 02/2025


Motion 02/2025 was moved by Councillor Temperton and seconded by Councillor Gillbe as follows:


Council acknowledges the proposals contained in the devolution white paper published by government on 16 December 2024, including the establishment of strategic authorities that will receive devolved powers from government and the commitment to local government reorganisation.

This council commits to working with other local councils to ensure the best possible long-term outcome for the residents of Bracknell Forest and for Bracknell Forest as a place.


Amended Motion


An amendment was moved by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor M Forster as follows: (red is amended wording)


Council acknowledges the proposals contained in the devolution white paper published by government on 16 December 2024, including the establishment of strategic authorities that will receive devolved powers from government and the commitment to local government reorganisation.


This council commits to working with other local councils to ensure the best possible long-term outcome for the residents of Bracknell Forest and for Bracknell Forest as a place, and to opposing any unfavourable top-down re-organisation that creates remote ‘super-councils’, far removed from the communities which they serve.


Councillors Temperton and Gillbe did not accept the proposed amendment and therefore  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43.