Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 10 July 2024 7.30 pm

Venue: Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD

Contact: Hannah Harding  01344 352308


No. Item


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 113 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 17 April 2024 and Annual Council held on 15 May 2024.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting held on 17 April 2024 and the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council held on 15 May 2024 be approved and signed by the Mayor as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

Members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary or affected interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.


Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.


Any Member with an affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting.  There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting.


Councillor Phillip Thompson declared an affected interest in agenda item 8 as he was a carer suported by Bracknell Forest Council.


Mayor's Announcements


The Mayor reported on her activities and events attended since the last Council meeting.


The Mayor also announced that her charity for the 2024/25 municipal would be The Ark.



Executive Report pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To receive the Leader’s report on the work of the Executive since the Council meeting held on 17 April 2024.




Additional documents:


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Temperton, presented the report on the work of

the Executive since the Council meeting on 17 April 2024.


The Executive had met three times since the last Council meeting, on 23 April 2024, 21 May 2024 and 18 June 2024.


The Leader highlighted the matters that had been considered within her presentation:


Leaders Presentation to Council - 10 July 2024


A question was asked regarding SEND with concerns that the day to day progress on operational matters was not progressing as fast as was hoped. It was asked when the Executive would next be considering the operational matters within the SEND department in particular relating to a complaint from a Headteacher within the Borough.


The Executive Member for Children and Young People responded that he was aware of the situation, and the number of complaints received by the SEND department and was keeping a close eye on the situation. The Leader confirmed that the operational matters would be scrutinised carefully.



There being no recommendations to Council, the report of the Executive was noted.


Question Submitted Under the Public Participation Scheme pdf icon PDF 53 KB

By resident Diana Henfrey to, Councillor Purnell, Executive Member for the Environment, Community and Housing


Will the BFC Executive Member for the Environment, Community and Housing, Cllr Helen Purnell, please confirmthat, although thefollowing 3BFC supermarket sites outside Bracknell Town but sited inside BFC (= 2021 census population 124, 600) : Lidl, High St, Crowthorne RG45 7BF, Tesco, Martin’s Heron RG12 9TZ & Tesco, Warfield RG42 3JP are indeed 3 BFC supermarket sites currently providing glass recycling bottle banks for residents, there is currently no such facility at BFC Bracknell Town supermarket sites at Sainsbury, Ringmead, Bracknell RG12 7SS (Waitrose, Bond Way, Bracknell RG12 1RQ &Morrisons, the Peel Centre,Skimped HillLane, BracknellRG12 1ENdo not have recycling facilities) & state why this extremely useful initiative, previously enabling residents for many years to both drive to this 1 Bracknell Town (= 47% of BFC population) supermarket to shop and recycle in one trip has ceased, when this was and why, when it will be resumed, in this, the largest of the 6 BFC parishes, and what % of the contents of the BFC domestic blue recycling wheelie bins for paper & plastics now being collected is being found to also consist ofglass &what extracosts BFCare incurringto sift this out.


The question and response submitted under the Public Participation Scheme was

published in advance of the meeting - Public Participation - Question and Answer - 10 July 2024


As a supplementary question Bracknell resident, Diana Henfrey asked for the list of the bottle bank sites and the ownership within the Borough and why the Council hadn’t found it necessary to negotiate with Sainsburys regarding the bottle bank provision.


The Executive Member for Environment & Community Cohesion, Councillor Purnell, confirmed that a map of the bottle banks within the Borough was available on the Bracknell Forest Council website. The Executive Member also reiterated that the Council had no input on removing the bottle banks at Sainsburys and that this had been done at their own accord and was not a decision made by the Council. It was also confirmed that there had been an increase in collecting facilities at the two nearest sites to Sainsburys to make up for the removal of the bottle banks.




Questions Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 10 pdf icon PDF 69 KB

By Councillors Virgo andHaffegee to Councillor Temperton, Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Council Strategy and Climate Change


Following thedeclaration ofthe ClimateEmergency, we recognise that the London Road PV array is vital to the Borough's commitment to urgently reach net-zero.

Please couldthe Leaderupdate uswith thedetails and plans for the installation, including where we are with the project, its milestones and timelines?


By Councillor Smith to Councillor Temperton, Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Council Strategy and Climate Change


At the Council Meeting of 11 September 2023 Council passed Motion 06/2023, which requested that the Executive "report at a future meeting on efforts to enhance resident engagement, including practical measuresaimed atimproving workingarrangements so as to give residents a stronger, genuine voice in the Council’s business." We note positive progress in resident engagement, including a substantial increase in consultation responses as part of this year’s budget process, however Council still awaits the requested report which is important to ensure that resident engagement is at the heart of the Council’s decision making processes. Please canthe Leader advise when Council can expect to receive this report?


By Councillor T Eberle to Councillor Gillbe, ExecutiveMember for Planning, Transport and Countryside


At the Council Meeting of 29 November 2023 Council passed Motion 09/2023, which requested that "the Executive Member for Highways and Transport work with officers in consultation with local headteachers to explore options for making further improvements to road safety for pupils on their journey to and from school,including implementing20 mphspeed limitson roads adjacent to schools where needed." Please can the Executive Member provide an update on progress in implementing the recommendations of this motion?


By Councillor Smith to Councillor Bailey, ExecutiveMember for Children and Young People


At the Council Meeting of 29 November 2023 Council passed Motion 10/2023, which requested that "the Executive Member for Children and Young People works with schools transport officers to explore options to extend our post-16 transport policy when it is reviewed for the 2024-2025 academic year, to cover transport support to institutions named on an EHC plan, so far as is financially viable." I was to disappointed to note that the relevant section of the draft policy for the 2024-2025 academic year maintains the existing wording and no review into the viability of the requested amendments appears to have been undertaken. Please can the Executive Member provide an urgent update on actions taken to date to implement the intent of Motion 10/2023 and advise Council on the way forward for the 2024-25 policy, which I note is now overdue for publishing?             


By Councillor Gaw to Councillor Gillbe, ExecutiveMember for Planning, Transport and Countryside


In addition to the town centre, there are 42 schools requiring patrols at dropoff and collection times,3 multi storey car parks open 24/7, 24 out of town car parks, 4 surfacepay anddisplay towncentre carparks, 2leisure  ...  view the full agenda text for item 13.

Additional documents:


The five question and response submitted under the Council Procedure Rule 10

published in advance of the meeting - Questions Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 10 - Questions and Answers - 10 July 2024


As a supplementary to his joint question with Councillor Virgo, Councillor Haffegee asked for detail of the anticipated PV array on the site including plans, dates and timelines to understand what had currently been undertaken on the project and when the site would start to provide clean, green energy.


The Leader, Councillor Temperton, confirmed that a feasibility study had been undertaken on the area but not on the PV site. The Leader stated that the site was a priority for the administration as it had been started in 2014 and that the biodiversity of the site was a new element of the project to be considered. The Leader would be instructing officers to increase the momentum on the delivery of the site, and that a report would be presented to the Executive in October.


As a supplementary to his question to the Executive Member for Children and Young People, Councillor Smith conveyed his concerns about the policy failing to support some of the boroughs most vulnerable young people and their families, and asked for a concrete commitment and personal responsibility for ensuring that this would not be overlooked again when officers begin working on the 2025/26 policy.


The Executive Member for Children and Young People, Councillor Bailey, made a firm commitment within the meeting that there would be a policy in place for 2025/26 which would include a full review and that if the new policy required additional financial contributions, then this would need to be funded as a priority as part of the budget setting process for 2025/26.


As a supplementary to her question to the Executive Member for Planning, Transport and Countryside, Councillor Gaw noted it was disappointing that the rationale for safer parking was down to cost, and asked the Executive Member whether they could consider implementing a forum to explore other solutions including speed management and other inventive measures to combat the road safety issues surrounding primary schools.


 As the Executive Member for Planning, Transport and Countryside, Councillor Gillbe had given his apologies for the meeting, a written response would be provided in response to the supplementary question outside of the meeting.





Motion (or Motions) Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 11

Motion 03/2024 moved by Councillor Zahuruddin and seconded by Councillor Smith


Council expresses concern in relation to the ongoing crisis in Gaza and condemns the indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians by all sides. Council supports the Government in calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the safe return of all hostages, and the implementation of safe pathways for the delivery of humanitarian aid.


Council notes:


·       Estimated death tolls (at the time of drafting this motion) of more than 37,000 Palestinians and over 1,000 Israelis due to the conflict since October 2023.

·       That an estimated 1.7m Palestinians (approximately 3/4 of the population) are currently internally displaced within Gaza.

·       That over 100 Israeli hostages are still believed to be being held by Hamas, with significant concerns around their ongoing treatment and safety.

·       That prosecutors at the International Criminal Court are currently investigating a range of allegations of war crimes made against both Hamas and Israel and have applied for arrest warrants naming military and political leaders on both sides of the conflict.

·       Worsening humanitarian conditions within Gaza, including limited access to food, clean drinking water and medical care for hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

·       Reports of significant difficulties in the delivery and distribution of overseas aid to Gaza at this time.

·       That the majority of Palestinian civilians have no means to leave Gaza or relocate to safe areas.

·       Calls by numerous aid organisations and advocacy groups (such as the Refugee Council) for the UK Government to open limited and proportionate pathways for Palestinian refugees to be brought to the UK, including facilitating medical evacuations for those in need of specialist care, and a VISA scheme for those with families already in the UK (on a similar basis to schemes offered by the UK in response to other recent conflicts such as in Ukraine and Afghanistan).




·       Re-asserts our commitment to opposing antisemitism, islamophobia and all other forms of hatred and prejudicial behaviour.

·       Calls upon the Government to continue to work to seek that international law is upheld so that non-combatants on all sides are protected, and that anyone found to be breaking those laws is held to account.

·       Calls upon the Government to urgently consider the recommendations of the Refugee Council in relation to the conflict and offers the support of Bracknell Forest in welcoming refugees from Gaza and other conflict zones via any schemes the Government should put in place.


Motion 04/2024 moved by Councillor P Thompson and seconded by Councillor M Forster


This Council gratefully acknowledges the immensely valuable role carried out by the many voluntary carers of disabled and frail residents of Bracknell Forest. Nationally, it is thought that 10% of the population are carers, which would mean there are around 12,500 carers in Bracknell Forest. Many of those carers have no contact with the Council. Without their committed care, there would be a huge additional demand on the Council’s Adult Services, that could not be met. Consequently, the Council commits to take this and every opportunity to  ...  view the full agenda text for item 14.



Motion 03/2024 was moved and seconded by Councillor Zahuruddin and seconded by Councillor Smith respectively as follows:


Council expresses concern in relation to the ongoing crisis in Gaza and condemns the indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians by all sides. Council supports the Government in calls for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, the safe return of all hostages, and the implementation of safe pathways for the delivery of humanitarian aid.

Council notes:


       Following the attack by Hamas in October 2023 there have been estimated death tolls (at the time of drafting this motion) of more than 37,000 Palestinians and over 1,000 Israelis due to the conflict.

       That an estimated 1.7m Palestinians (approximately 3/4 of the population) are currently internally displaced within Gaza.

       That over 100 Israeli hostages are still believed to be being held by      Hamas, with significant concerns around their ongoing treatment and    safety.

       That prosecutors at the International Criminal Court are currently investigating a range of allegations of war crimes made against both Hamas and Israel and have applied for arrest warrants naming military and political leaders on both sides of the conflict.

       Worsening humanitarian conditions within Gaza, including limited access to food, clean drinking water and medical care for hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians.

       Reports of significant difficulties in the delivery and distribution of overseas aid to Gaza at this time.

       That the majority of Palestinian civilians have no means to leave Gaza or relocate to safe areas.

       Calls by numerous aid organisations and advocacy groups (such as the Refugee Council) for the UK Government to open limited and proportionate pathways for Palestinian refugees to be brought to the UK, including facilitating medical evacuations for those in need of specialist care, and a VISA scheme for those with families already in the UK (on a         similar basis to schemes offered by the UK in response to other              recent conflicts such as in Ukraine and Afghanistan).



       Re-asserts our commitment to opposing antisemitism, islamophobia and all other forms of hatred and prejudicial behaviour.

       Calls upon the Government to continue to work to seek that international law is upheld so that non-combatants on all sides are protected, and that anyone found to be breaking those laws is held to account.

       Calls upon the Government to urgently consider the recommendations of the Refugee Council in relation to the conflict and offers the support of Bracknell Forest in welcoming refugees from Gaza and other conflict zones via any schemes the Government should put in place.


On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.


Motion 04/2024 moved by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor M Forster:


This Council gratefully acknowledges the immensely valuable role carried out by the many voluntary carers in Bracknell Forest. It is believed that there are around 8,770 carers in Bracknell Forest, but around 87% of these have no contact with the Council. Without their committed care, there would be a huge additional demand on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 14.

Point of Order

Councillor McLean raised a point of order regarding the constitution and asked that officers review elements relating to the proposing and seconding of motions.


The Mayor noted the Point of Order and it was confirmed by the Assistant Borough Solicitor: Place, Helen Brewster, that there was an ongoing review of the constitution and that it would be added to the review considerations.