Venue: Council Chamber - Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD
Contact: Hannah Harding 01344 352308
Link: This meeting will be a Hybrid meeting
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Members are asked to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary or Affected Interests in respect of any matter to be considered at this meeting.
Any Member with a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in a matter should withdraw from the meeting when the matter is under consideration and should notify the Democratic Services Officer in attendance that they are withdrawing as they have such an interest. If the Disclosable Pecuniary Interest is not entered on the register of Members interests the Monitoring Officer must be notified of the interest within 28 days.
Any Member with an Affected Interest in a matter must disclose the interest to the meeting. There is no requirement to withdraw from the meeting when the interest is only an affected interest, but the Monitoring Officer should be notified of the interest, if not previously notified of it, within 28 days of the meeting. Minutes: Councillors Brunel-Walker and Heydon declared an affected interests in relation to item 17 being one of the Council’s representatives on the Board overseeing the joint venture and would not participate in the item. |
To consider and approve the minutes of the meeting of the Executive held on 7 February 2023.
Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Executive on 7 Februrary 2023 together with the accompanying decision records be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Leader. |
Urgent Items of Business Minutes: There were no urgent items of business. |
Executive Decisions and Decision Records PDF 67 KB The Executive considered the following items. The decisions are recorded in the decision sheets attached to these minutes and summarised below: Additional documents: |
Procurement of Microsoft M365 Licences PDF 81 KB To agree the procurement route for the
Microsoft M365 licence arrangements. Minutes: RESOLVED that the approved framework be accessed for Microsoft M365 licences via a direct award, to retain our current professional partnership with our current Microsoft Gold Partner, Phoenix Software Ltd.
Bracknell Forest Local Plan (Submission version) – consultation on Main Modifications PDF 109 KB To seek approval to consult on Main
Modifications to the Bracknell Forest Local Plan (Submission
version) and associated documents for a statutory period of at
least six weeks. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that
i. the principle of making Proposed Main Modifications (outlined in Appendix A) to the Bracknell Forest Local Plan (Pre Submission version), and associated changes to the Policies Map be agreed.
ii. the Executive Director: Place Planning and Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Transport, agree the draft wording of the Proposed Main Modifications and any consequential changes together with associated changes to the Policies Map and supporting documents, prior to being submitted to the Inspectors for final agreement.
iii. the Executive Director: Place Planning and Regeneration, in consultation with the Executive Member for Planning and Transport, agree the wording of the schedule of Minor Modifications.
iv. consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications to the Bracknell Forest Local Plan (Pre Submission version), consequential changes, amended Policies Map and supporting documents be agreed for a period of at least six weeks over the Summer of 2023. |
Highways & Transport Capital Programme 2023/24 PDF 80 KB To approve the Highways and Transport Capital
Programme for 2023/24. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that the overall Highways and Transport Capital Programme for 2023/24 is approved. |
SANG capacity agreements between Bracknell Forest Council and Surrey Heath Borough Council PDF 3 MB There is an existing agreement for BFC to
share up to 500 dwellings SANG capacity from Shepherd Meadows SANG
in Bracknell Forest with SHBC. The majority of this SANG capacity
has been used up. The intention is to bring this agreement to an
end with SHBC paying BFC the balance for the remaining SANG
capacity. A new agreement will then be set up to allocate further
SANG capacity at Shepherd Meadows SANG to SHBC to mitigate further
developments in the emerging Surrey Heath Local Plan. Minutes: RESOLVED that
i. Executive agree to enter into an agreement with Surrey Heath Borough Council (SHBC) for land at Shepherd Meadows to serve as further SANG capacity for up to 500 homes in the Borough of Surrey Heath and,
ii. the council apply SANG contributions at rates in line with the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPA SPD) and any other subsequent versions, to be index linked from the date of publication of the SPD. |
School Places Plan & Capital Strategy 2023-2028 PDF 91 KB To seek approval to the School Places Plan
& Capital Strategy 2023-2028 Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that
i. The Executive approve the School Places Plan and Capacity Strategy 2023-2028 and agree publication April 2023.
ii. The Executive agree that this document can be further amended to incorporate feedback from Executive before publication. |
Local Authority Housing Fund PDF 115 KB Consider and approve the proposals for the
Council to acquire 7 x three bedroom homes and to refurbish 2 x
three bedroom properties in our existing stock to be made available
for the scheme and to purchase 1 x four bedroom property Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Executive consider and approve the proposals for the Council to acquire 7 x three bedroom homes and to refurbish 2 x three bedroom properties in our existing stock to be made available for the scheme.
RECOMMENDED to Council to approve capital spend of up to a maximum of £3.4m to meet the total cost of acquiring the additional homes, to be funded from a combination of the LAHF grant and long-term borrowing. |
Quarter three Council Plan Overview Report PDF 103 KB To provide the Executive with an update on the
delivery of the objectives set out in the council plan Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED that
i. the performance of the council over the period from October-December 2022 highlighted in the Overview Report in Annex A be noted.
ii. the process change for councillor review of the CPOR is approved, noting the retimetabling of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission for Q4 onwards. |
To present the directorate service plans for
2023, setting out key priorities to achieve the council's strategic
aims. Additional documents:
i. the new service plans be endorsed and be published on the website in April 2023 following the final budget information being added.
ii. authority be delegated to the Assistant Director: Chief Executive’s Office for finalisation of the service plans. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public Agenda items 14, 15, 16 and 17 are supported by annexes containing exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. If the Committee wishes to discuss the content of these annexes in detail, it may choose to move the following resolution:
That pursuant to Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) Regulations 2012 and having regard to the public interest, members of the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of items 14, 15, 16 and 17 which involves the likely disclosure of exempt information under the following category of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972:
(3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). Minutes: RESOLVED that pursuant to Regulation 21 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) Regulations 2000, members of the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of items 14, 15, 16 and 17 which involves the likely disclosure of exempt information under the following category of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972:
(3) Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority). |
Section 75 Agreement (NHS Act 2006) 2023 and Onwards PDF 73 KB For the Executive to Approve the Section 75
Arrangements effective April 2023 Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that
i. Approval is given to the Executive Director: People, on behalf of BFC, to agrees and enter into a S75 agreement from 1 April 2023 effective for a period of 3 years, with added service schedule information for 1 April 2023 – 31 March 2024
ii. the recommended model of future S75 agreements is agreed as illustrated in section 3.11 and 3.12 and appendix A and note proposed improvements in development with Frimley ICB to the current S75 Agreement.
iii. Authority be delegated to the Executive Director: People and the Executive Member for Adult Services, Health and Housing to approve and sign off the core S75 Agreement and Schedules. Spend for these schedules will be determined by the Better Care Fund policy framework / budget and Adult Social Care budget.
iv. The Better Care Fund Budget for 22/23 is noted, as £18,136,342 with the BFC contribution £10,132,342. In addition, the Adult Social Care Discharge Fund is reported through the Better Care Fund with a total value of £433,416. |
Household Support Fund (Phase four) PDF 128 KB To set out the proposals for distributing the
fourth phase of the HSF, provided by the DWP. It must be used
between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024. Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that the Household Support Fund (phase four) be distributed through:
i. Purchasing supermarket vouchers, or for opted schools to make equivalent arrangements, for children qualifying for Free School Meals in Bracknell Forest primary and secondary schools. Households will receive a £15 voucher per child per week of the holidays.
ii. Purchasing pre-paid cards or supermarket vouchers to distribute to low income households receiving income-based council tax reduction or housing benefit but not the benefits, such as universal credit, which would
iii. Enhancing the Local Welfare Scheme provision, allowing applications from households in hardship who would not otherwise automatically qualify for the support above.
iv. Provide application-based grants to the voluntary, community and faith sector organisations to provide direct support to residents.
RESOLVED that the contract as per the strategic procurement plan (appendix A) using the Crown Commercial Framework RM6248. This would provide the required vouchers and payments set out in 2.1 of the report and the scope for further purchases, should additional grant funding be allocated. |
Joint Retender for Sexual and Reproductive health PDF 104 KB Permission sought for the retender of the
Joint Sexual and Reproductive health service Minutes: RESOLVED that
i. the Strategic Procurement Plan for the provision of Sexual and Reproductive Health be approved with Bracknell Forest Council again acting as Host and lead on the reprocurement on behalf of all 3 councils.
ii. the proposed contractual term be 5 years (3 +2) with a review of the provision in year 3.
iii. authority for the contract award and subsequent contract extensions be delegated to the Director of Public Health. |
Joint Venture Business Plan Review PDF 106 KB To review progress made by Bracknell Forest
Cambium Partnership 2022- 2023 and to Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED that
i. the progress made by Bracknell Forest Cambium Partnership for the period December 2021 to December 2022 be noted.
ii. the annual refresh of the JV Business Plan 2020-2023 for the Bracknell Forest Cambium Partnership be supported as set out in Annex A and the financial budget and forecast as set out in Confidential Annex B and recommends these to Council for approval.
iii. the Bracknell Forest Cambium Partnership enters into the Bond and Co-indemnities required to undertake the enabling works related to the sewer move which is required to prepare the councils owned land at Market Street for development, noting that there is no flow of liability to from this arrangement to the Council.
iv. For future development sites where a similar arrangement is required by a statutory body, that authority be delegated to the Borough Solicitor to provide such approval on the Council’s behalf. |