105 Education, Skills and Growth Overview & Scrutiny Panel - Care Leavers PDF 209 KB
To consider the outcomes of the review into
the impact of accommodation and support on the educational
attainment and skills of young people leaving care.
Additional documents:
i) the Housing Allocation Policy 2015 be reviewed to include consideration of priority being awarded to care leavers where the authority has a Corporate Parenting role, particularly those who opt to ‘stay put’ with their foster family, in line with the newly issued Government Guidance.
ii) the life skills and money management information be reviewed to ensure consistency of provision; information available on the Local Offer Care Leavers website and consider frequency of visits to prepare care leavers for independence.
iii) the Staying Put Policy be revised using plain English; develop an easy-read version with foster carers and care leavers and consider extending the three month time limit when a care leaver can return to their foster family.
iv) the joint protocol between Children’s Social Care (CSC) and Housing
Team for assessing and meeting the needs of homeless young people be reviewed, in line with the newly issued Government Guidance.
v) care leavers’ achievements be acknowledged and give them the
opportunity to participate by replicating the offer to Children Looked After, and be reviewed with any policy changes implemented within agreed timeframes with the housing team.
vi) the timescales for implementing the recommendations are agreed.
vii) the Overview & Scrutiny Commission will review the implementation of
the recommendations within six months and host a focus group of care
leavers to understand the impact of the pandemic on care leavers specifically.