Issue - meetings

Thames Basin Heath Improvement Plan

Meeting: 24/03/2009 - Local Countryside Access Forum (Item 43)

Thames Basin Heaths Access Management Partnership


It was noted that Thames Basin Heath Access would be kept as an agenda item for LCAF meetings as progress was slow and it was a complex process involving representatives from 11 different planning authorities and associated partners.


The delivery framework included access management concepts relating to the impact on outdoor recreation with regard to Bracknell Forest. The role of the LCAF was to steer, influence and advise. At a local level outside of the SPA, the impact was likely to be positive as it would help to raise the profile of the alternative opportunities and other sites for residents to use. There were mini plans for key sites to improve the landscape and biodiversity values.


The main principles were:

1)      Access Management Measures – involved existing landowners and managers.

2)      Strategic Co-ordination – consistency of messages. Natural England had accepted the role.

3)      Consistency – lead funding from developers for access management and specific contributions per dwelling.

4)      Soft Measures – involved access management such as a subtle onsite presence and well managed onsite routes.


Bracknell Forest Council had rejected the planning application for more housing at the RAF Staff College site and were in the midst of an appeal. There would be a decision on the appeal for the TRL site in Crowthorne by the summer as this would be made by the Secretary of State.


The number of planning applications for large developments and related building work had slowed recently which had reduced the pressures on the Thames Basin Heath access.


A letter had been received from Surrey LAF inviting 2-3 members of Bracknell LCAF to attend a joint meeting regarding the Special Protection Area and the Chairman had agreed.


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