Issue - meetings

Establishment of an Appointment Committee

Meeting: 29/11/2023 - Council (Item 34)

34 Establishment of an Appointment Committee pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To agree the Establishment of an Appointment Committee.


Council considered a report inviting it to establish an appointments committee to appoint a Joint Director of Public Health for Bracknell Forest Council and the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead (RBWM).  Following the ongoing reorganisation of the East Berkshire Public Health System, the councils were now in a position to appoint a new joint Director of Public Health.


The Officer Employment Procedure Rules (Part 4, Section 12 of the Council’s Constitution) were relevant to the appointment.


The planned date for the meeting of the Appointment Committee had been changed, and so an additional recommendation was proposed to delegate authority to the Chief Executive to agree the final appointments on behalf of Bracknell Forest Council once a new date had been agreed. 


On the proposition of Councillor Temperton, Leader and Executive Member for Council Strategy and Climate Change and seconded by Councillor Purnell it was RESOLVED:


1          That a committee of the Council of three Bracknell Forest Councillors (2

Labour, 1 Conservative), including the Executive Member for Adult Services Health and Housing and three Councillors of RBWM be appointed, with the following terms of reference:


To interview and appoint on behalf of the Council to the post of:


i)                 Joint Director of Public Health


2          That nominated Members are appointed in accordance with political group wishes


3          That substitute Bracknell Forest Council (BFC) Members are appointed in accordance with Labour (5) and Conservative (3) group wishes, including two substitute Executive Members.


4          That three substitute Councillors from RBWM also be appointed.


5          That the Joint Committee proceedings will be conducted in accordance with the Bracknell Forest Constitution.


6          That the Chief Executive is authorised to agree the Bracknell Forest Council appointments in accordance with the wishes of the political groups.