Issue - meetings

Motions Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 11

Meeting: 29/11/2023 - Council (Item 37)

Motion (or Motions) Submitted Under Council Procedure Rule 11

Motion 08/2023 moved by Councillor Temperton and seconded by Councillor Bidwell


In 21/22, 22/23 and 23/24 Bracknell Forest administered many grants on behalf of central government in support of our most vulnerable residents.


In 23/24 a total of £1,649,426 was distributed in Household Support grants, Council tax energy rebate scheme, support for energy bills and Council Tax support fund- all supplied form central government.


This Council urgently asks the Government to award similar grants for the 24/25 financial year so that we can again support our most vulnerable residents in these very hard times. Like all other local councils, we do not have sufficient funds to replace such support ourselves but help is still urgently needed.


Motion 09/2023 moved by Councillor T Eberle and seconded by Councillor Zahuruddin


Council notes reports from residents of aggressive and dangerous driver behaviour on roads near to schools in the borough.


Council also notes that a pedestrian is multiple times more likely to die if hit by a car travelling at 30 mph than they are at 20 mph.


Council recognises our responsibility to protect residents in the borough, particularly children and young people, and therefore requests the Executive Member for Highways and Transport work with officers to explore options for making further improvements to road safety for pupils on their journey to and from school, including implementing 20 mph speed limits on roads adjacent to schools where needed.


Motion 10/2023 moved by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor Cochrane


Council recognises that subsidised school transport provides vital support for many families within the borough, particularly for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Decisions around school transport provision should always aspire to compassionately address the specific needs of the individual and ensure that every child has equitable access to an appropriate place of education.


Council notes that:


·         National policy requires transport be provided for eligible children of statutory school age, including to schools named on an education, health and care (EHC) plan.

·         Post-16 schools transport is discretionary, with each local authority determining its own policies.

·         Young people are now required to continue in education or training until the end of the academic year in which they turn 18.

·         In accordance with its Post-16 Transport Policy Statement 2023-2024, Bracknell Forest Council will not currently provide post-16 transport support to a school or college named on an EHC plan where there is a nearer institution able to offer a suitable level of study.

·         EHC plans (with named schools) are only provided under limited circumstances, where there is a genuine requirement for the pupil to attend a specific institution due to their individual needs.


Council considers that we could be doing more to support families of SEND pupils post-16. Council therefore requests that the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning works with schools transport officers to explore options to extend our post-16 transport policy when it is reviewed for the 2024-2025 academic year, to cover transport support to institutions named on  ...  view the full agenda text for item 37


Motion 08/2023


Motion 08/2023 was moved by Councillor Temperton and seconded by Councillor Bailey:


“In 21/22, 22/23 and 23/24 Bracknell Forest administered many grants on behalf of central government in support of our most vulnerable residents.


In 23/24 a total of £1,649,426 was distributed in Household Support grants, Council tax energy rebate scheme, support for energy bills and Council Tax support fund- all supplied form central government.


This Council urgently asks the Government to award similar grants for the 24/25 financial year so that we can again support our most vulnerable residents in these very hard times. Like all other local councils, we do not have sufficient funds to replace such support ourselves but help is still urgently needed.”


On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.


Motion 09/2023


Motion 09/2023 was moved by Councillor T Eberle and seconded by Councillor Zahuruddin, with the following amendment as indicated:


“Council notes reports from residents of aggressive and dangerous driver behaviour on roads near to schools in the borough.


Council also notes that a pedestrian is multiple times more likely to die if hit by a car travelling at 30 mph than they are at 20 mph.


Council recognises our responsibility to protect residents in the borough, particularly children and young people, and therefore requests the Executive Member for Highways and Transport work with officers to explore options for making further improvements to road safety for pupils on their journey to and from school, including implementing 20 mph speed limits on roads adjacent to schools where needed.”


An amendment was made to the motion by Councillor McLean which was agreed by Councillors T Eberle and Councillor Zahuruddin, therefore the motion would be read as follows:


“Council notes reports from residents of aggressive and dangerous driver behaviour on roads near to schools in the borough.


Council also notes that a pedestrian is multiple times more likely to die if hit by a car travelling at 30 mph than they are at 20 mph.


Council recognises our responsibility to protect residents in the borough, particularly children and young people, and therefore requests the Executive Member for Highways and Transport work with officers in consultation with local headteachers to explore options for making further improvements to road safety for pupils on their journey to and from school, including implementing 20 mph speed limits on roads adjacent to schools where needed.”


On being put to the vote, the motion was carried.


Motion 10/2023


Motion 10/2023 was moved by Councillor Smith and seconded by Councillor Cochrane


“Council recognises that subsidised school transport provides vital support for many families within the borough, particularly for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Decisions around school transport provision should always aspire to compassionately address the specific needs of the individual and ensure that every child has equitable access to an appropriate place of education.


Council notes that:


·        National policy requires transport be provided for eligible children of statutory school age, including to schools named on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37