Issue - meetings

Minutes and Matters Arising

Meeting: 14/09/2023 - Schools Forum (Item 4)

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To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of June 22.


The minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2023 were approved as a correct record.


Arising from the minutes, the following points were noted:

·        The DBV programme was to be used across primary and secondary settings. An additional teacher would be recruited to support staff training from January 2024.

·        The Year 6 transition project was aimed at supporting children with SEN to transfer to a bigger environment. A senior officer to support the project was being recruited in October 2023, and the programme should be functional by January 2024.

·        The outreach hub project had been intended to be in a secondary school, however there had been difficulty progressing the programme in its current form. Officers were revisiting the project scope and focus to potentially include some issues around Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH).

·        The College Hall Management Committee had recruited a new interim Headteacher, and further details could be provided at a future meeting. (Action: Zoe Livingstone)