Issue - meetings

Council Plan 2023-2027

Meeting: 29/11/2023 - Council (Item 31)

31 Council Plan 2023-2027 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To present the Council Plan and new business change programme to Council setting out agreed priorities for the period to 2027.

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Council discussed the Council Plan setting out agreed priorities for the period 2023 to 2027 and the new business change programme, following engagement and development with councillors and staff.  It was proposed that the Council should adopt a flexible use of capital receipts strategy to maximise funding opportunities to support the delivery of the business change programme.


The plan included a core enabling priority to be an ambitious, resilient and sustainable organisation. Much of this was to be delivered through the business change programme to ensure the organisation was fit for the future. The proposed flexible use of a capital receipts strategy would enable the council to use capital receipts to support and enable the delivery of the business change programme’s priorities and facilitate the delivery of savings and improved outcomes for service users.


The Leader stressed the financial background against the Plan, with significant financial challenges across the country. The Council Plan had been carefully created to make realistic commitments within the Council’s means.


Councillors celebrated the fact that the Council Plan could be supported across political parties and welcomed the collaborative approach for its creation. It was recognised that the plan, which aimed to further develop Bracknell Forest as an excellent place to live, work and visit, could only be delivered in partnership.


The progress against each element of the Council Plan would be reported through the Quarterly Service Reports.


Councillors thanked all officers for their support of the new administration thus far.


On the proposition of Councillor Temperton, Leader and Executive Member for

Council Strategy and Climate Change and seconded by Councillor Pickering it was RESOLVED that:


1          The Council Plan as set out in Appendix A of the report be approved;


2          To support delivery of the Council Plan and ensure the organisation remains resilient and sustainable, the proposed Business Change programme summarised in Appendix A of the report be endorsed;


3          With effect from 1 December 2023, a flexible use of capital receipts strategy as set out at Appendix B of the report be approved to provide funding needed to ensure the Council Plan and Business Change programme are successfully delivered.