Mayor's Announcements
Mayors Announcements
Mayor’s Opportunity Champion Awards Winners
The Mayor gave out his final Opportunity Champion Awards. The awards were presented to Keith Bunyan who runs Martins Heron Train station, Anna Kennedy the Headmistress of Warfield CofE Primary School and Georgina Morris, who was unable to attend in person, who had recently launched the monthly Repair Café in Crowthorne.
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst 200th Sovereign’s Parade
The Mayor reported he attended the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst 200th Sovereign’s Parade, which had been a huge honour to attend and a brilliant day for those passing out.
Coronation Celebration Plans
The Mayor provided an update on the Coronation events that would be happening on the 6 May. A live screening of the service at Westminster Abby would take place at Bond Square from 11am, which would be followed by a tea hosted by the Mayor in the Waitrose Café. A coronation crown made up of resident’s photos from across the borough was being displayed in Princess Square.
Libraries would be hosting a range of royal events to mark the coronation and the Mayor would by visiting as many street parties as possible on Sunday 7 May.