Provide the Executive with an update on the
current year’s predicted spending against budget and an
outline of future financial prospects.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the Executive:
i. notes the identified best-case and worst-case scenarios for the Council’s
current year financial position summarised in Table 1 and detailed in Annex A of the Executive Director: Resources report.
ii. approves drawing the full £1.5m from the earmarked reserve for Inflationary
Costs to support the current year’s budget, as proposed in paragraph 5.3 of the Executive Director: Resources report.
iii. Endorses the actions agreed by the Corporate Management Team to help
contain expenditure in the current year as set out under paragraph 5.5 of the Executive Director: Resources report.
iv. Supports the proposed responses to immediate budget priorities set out in the
report and specifically:
a) approves drawings from reserves to meet time-limited costs proposed for
core foster care allowances (£0.154m in 2022/23, paragraph 5.10), social
worker recruitment and retention subject to detailed review by the
Employment Committee (£0.190m, paragraph 5.15) and SEND support
service staffing (£0.271m + £0.197m + £0.022m, paragraphs 5.25, 5.27 and
5.28); and
b) approves inclusion in the Commitment Budget 2023/24 funding of £0.371m
for core foster care allowances (paragraph 5.10), additional funding and
associated savings of £0.115m and -£0.179m respectively related to the
enhanced foster care approach, £0.456m for social worker recruitment and
retention proposals (paragraph 5.15) and £0.052m for SEND support service
staffing (paragraph 5.28).
v. Notes the Council’s predicted medium-term financial prospects detailed in
paragraphs 5.29 to 5.53 and summarised in Table 3 of the Executive Director: Resources report.
vi. Reaffirms its support for the 7 key principles to guide budget preparations set
out under paragraph 5.54 of the Executive Director: Resources report.