Issue - meetings

Household Support Fund Extension and Hardship Support

Meeting: 24/05/2022 - Executive (Item 4)

4 Household Support Grant Distribution and Procurement pdf icon PDF 484 KB


To seek approval to allocate the £555,468 Household Support Fund extension from the Department of Works and Pensions and discuss options for the proposed approach to targeting allocations from the £184,650 Discretionary Fund element of the Council Tax Energy Rebate package.


Additional documents:




       i.         supermarket vouchers be purchased, or for opted schools to make equivalent

arrangements, to provide support over the Summer and October Holidays to

children qualifying for Free School Meals in Bracknell Forest schools and the

equivalent under 5s. Households will receive a £15 voucher per child per week of the holidays. As detailed in 5.4(a)


     ii.         pension age households who are in receipt of pension credit or council tax reduction are provided with a one-off supermarket voucher in June of £100. As detailed in 5.4(b)


    iii.         the remaining funding of approximately £15,000, and the value of any

unredeemed vouchers, be used to target low income working age disabled and carer households without children, and care leavers with a supermarket voucher of £50. As detailed in 5.4(c). If more funding is available, the decision to increase this value is recommended to be delegated to the Chief Executive.


    iv.         the Discretionary Fund element of the Council Tax Energy Rebate is

initially used to provide financial support to working age and pensioner

households occupying properties in Council Tax Bands E-H who currently

receive income based council tax support and also to care leavers, as set out

in paragraph 5.10.


     v.         authority for agreeing proposals to allocate the remainder of the

Discretionary Fund element of the Council Tax Energy Rebate be delegated to the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning, advised by the Members Welfare Steering Group.