7 Procurement of Buckler’s Park Community Hub Operator
To seek approval for conducting a procurement
exercise to identify an operator to manage the new community hub,
playing courts, changing rooms, car parking and associated
landscaping at Buckler’s Park in Crowthorne.
Additional documents:
i. The strategic procurement plan attached at Annex A to appoint an operator to manage the new Bucklers Park Community Hub with the adjacent courts, the associated car parking and car park landscaping on a ‘not-forprofit’ or charitable basis.
ii. The cost/quality weighting in favour of quality at 60% and
40% cost is approved.
iii. The contract award decision will be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Executive Member for Culture, Delivery and Public Protection.
iv. The lease and other operational arrangements are delegated to the Assistant
Director: Chief Executive’s Office in consultation with the Executive Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration and the Executive Member for Culture, Delivery and Public Protection