245 Section 75 Agreement (NHS Act 2006) between Bracknell Forest Council and Frimley Clinical Commissioning Group– Updated Arrangements for 2021/22 and beyond
To seek approval to extend the Section 75
Arrangements for 2021/22 by up to 12 months while a new Section 75
agreement is being developed.
Additional documents:
RECOMMENDED to the Executive Member for Adult Services, Health and Housingthat
1. The S75 for 2021/22 will be extended by a further 12 months (1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023), while a new S75 is developed for 2023/24,between BFC and Frimley CCG.
2. Authority be delegated to the Executive Director for People to agree the extended S75 with an estimated expenditure as per para 5.4 for the services listed in para 5.4.
3. The extension to the S75 will cover any changes to the legal footing of Frimley CCG, as a new statutory corporate body – an NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB) will likely replace Frimley CCG in 2022.