Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Countryside
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve the release of £8,194 of
Section 106 funding to improve access to Winkfield Footpath
To release £8,194 of s106 capital funding to improve the surface condition of Winkfield Footpath 5, to improve access for users.
1. Improving the accessibility of Winkfield Footpath 5 is in line with Policy 1: Rights of Way for all in the Bracknell Forest Rights of Way Improvement Plan (RoWIP2). This says that to increase accessibility to the PRoW network, hindrances need to be identified and removed. These include stiles, unclear signage, poor surface condition and overgrown vegetation.
2. Bracknell Forest Council, as the highway authority, has a duty to keep the surface of PRoW in a fit state for public use.
3. There are occasions where it is necessary to carry out major improvements to PRoW using capital funding. This is due to pressures on the maintenance budget. In this case, there is insufficient budget remaining in 2024/25 to carry out this work. Delaying the work until April 2025 will have consequences which are set out in section 4.4 and 5 (below).
4. A s106 development contribution has been identified as nearing it’s applied for purpose deadline. This makes it a suitable candidate to commit to this project, as it’s also within distance constraints identified in the s106 legal agreement. See Annex 2 below.
5. There is only one other s106 development contribution identified as being suitable for use on this project. This is for use at Warfield Memorial Ground and / or any other Active Open Space of Public Value (AOSPV) improvements capable of serving the site. See Annex 2 below.
1. To not deliver this improvement, would deprive residents of the opportunity to enjoy unimpeded use of Winkfield Footpath 5. It would also be a missed opportunity to deliver key policies in the RoWIP2.
2. The remaining £2,500 of the Rights of Way revenue budget in 2024/25 is required for essential maintenance work to the footbridge on Winkfield Footpath 4.
3. To use rights of way maintenance budget to carry out this work in April 2025, would impact other essential work. There is already a large resurfacing project required in Sandhurst, which will add a big budget pressure to PRoW maintenance work elsewhere.
4. Not committing the s106 development contribution (Dunmore, Lovel Road Winkfield) to this improvement, would add pressure to find a new and suitable project by mid-January 2025, which is its ‘applied for the purpose’ date identified in the legal agreement.
Wards Affected: Winkfield & Warfield East;
Financial Impact: There would be no significant financial implications by carrying out this work. The surface should last many years, with small future ‘top ups’ expected and covered through general rights of way maintenance programmes.
Declarations: None
Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No
Making Representations: In writing to the Executive Director:
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Local residents will be informed by letter
prior to undertaking works.
Ward councillors will be updated through ward alerts.
Cabinet Member for Planning Transport and Countryside to kept
appraised by Head of Natural Estates at Member Briefings.
An update will be provided to the Local Countryside Access Forum
Affected residents, Cllrs, LCAF
Contact: Stephen Chown, Head of Natural Estates Email: Tel: 01344 351226.
Publication date: 17/01/2025
Date of decision: 17/01/2025
Effective from: 28/01/2025
Accompanying Documents: