Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve the Bracknell Town Centre
Masterplans Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for use as a
material consideration in the determination of planning
applications, following public consultation.
i. the adoption of the Bracknell Town Centre Masterplans SPD is agreed.
ii. authority be delegated to the Executive Director: Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transport and Countryside to agree any necessary minor amendments to the Bracknell Town Centre Masterplans SPD prior to adoption.
1. The BFLP contains site-specific strategic policies that allocate the Eastern Gateway (Policy LP 9) and Southern Gateway (Policy LP10) sites for comprehensive welldesigned mixed-use development.
2. The sites are Council-owned, sustainably located and form key gateways into the town centre, and their development will make an important contribution to the town centre’s continued regeneration.
3. The Council has committed to ensuring that development is plan-led and achieves a high standard of design that positively contributes to placemaking. Policy LP28 – ‘Design principles’ in the emerging Local Plan states that for larger, complex, and more sensitive developments to be delivered in a structured and coherent way, a masterplan and design code would be required to be produced and agreed with the Council to establish an overall vision and strategy for a development as a whole. The policy specifically requires these of the Eastern Gateway and Southern Gateway sites. Further to this, both policies LP9 and LP10 make specific reference to a forthcoming ‘Bracknell Town Centre Masterplans’ SPD. This SPD provides the framework Masterplan element, with a finer-grained Masterplan and design code required as part of subsequent planning applications for these sites.
4. The High Street Car Park has recently been closed and, for structural reasons, can no longer function as a car park; the site will therefore require redevelopment. This site is not specifically allocated in Local Plan policy but falls within the town centre area on the Local Plan Policies Map. Guidance for this site is included in the SPD given its proximity and significance as a natural continuation of the Southern Gateway development. It also provides an opportunity for a key connection between the town centre to the east, and Market Street and Peel Centre to the west.
5. Given that the new Local Plan has recently been adopted, and now forms a part of the Council’s development plan, it is important for the masterplans to be progressed ready for the submission of planning applications on these sites.
6. A draft SPD was approved for consultation by Executive on 19 March 2024. A 6- week public consultation on the draft SPD was undertaken to allow the Council to gather feedback more widely from anyone who lives in, works in, or visits the borough, and statutory consultees. Feedback has been used to refine and develop the final plan. The SPD will allow the comprehensive masterplanning of the site through the planning application process.
7. The preparation of the SPD contributes towards the Council Plan (2023-2027) priority for a ‘Thriving and connected economy’ to ensure that ‘Bracknell town centre continues to thrive and be a destination of choice’. This is to be measured by increasing visits and the development of new homes within the town centre.
1. Adoption of the SPD could be delayed; however this would result in a lack of
guidance to support emerging Local Plan policies LP9 and LP10, and to guide the beneficial redevelopment of the High Street Car Park site. Given that a masterplan is required to be agreed with the Council prior to the submission of any planning applications for the gateway sites (Policy LP28), delay to SPD adoption would also have knock-on delays for the development of these strategically important sites.
2. The Council could opt not to take a lead on the production of masterplans for these sites, and instead leave this for future developers to undertake. This approach would put the Council in a weaker, more reactive position to control development on these sites.
3. The absence of an adopted up to date SPD would make the Development
Management process more difficult to implement if planning applications are received, potentially leading to uncoordinated, piecemeal development. This is a particular concern for these strategically important sites that are key components of the continued regeneration of Bracknell town centre. Production of the SPD will assist potential developers
Wards Affected: Town Centre & The Parks;
Declarations: None
Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No
Making Representations: In writing to the Executive Director: Place
Other reasons / organisations consulted
No further consultation is required at this
stage. The SPD has been subject to a statutory public consultation,
with all representations received considered to inform the
development of the final version proposed for adoption.
Contact: Matt Lunn, Strategic Sites & Design Team Manager Email: Tel: 01344 351608.
Report author: Matt Lunn
Publication date: 15/10/2024
Date of decision: 15/10/2024
Decided at meeting: 15/10/2024 - Cabinet
Effective from: 24/10/2024
Accompanying Documents: