Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To provide the Executive with an update on the current year’s predicted spending against budget and an outline of future financial prospects.
i. notes the identified best-case and worst-case scenarios for the Council’s
current year financial position summarised in Table 1 and detailed in Annex A of the Executive Director: Resources report.
ii. approves drawing the full £1.5m from the earmarked reserve for Inflationary
Costs to support the current year’s budget, as proposed in paragraph 5.3 of the Executive Director: Resources report.
iii. Endorses the actions agreed by the Corporate Management Team to help
contain expenditure in the current year as set out under paragraph 5.5 of the Executive Director: Resources report.
iv. Supports the proposed responses to immediate budget priorities set out in the
report and specifically:
a) approves drawings from reserves to meet time-limited costs proposed for
core foster care allowances (£0.154m in 2022/23, paragraph 5.10), social
worker recruitment and retention subject to detailed review by the
Employment Committee (£0.190m, paragraph 5.15) and SEND support
service staffing (£0.271m + £0.197m + £0.022m, paragraphs 5.25, 5.27 and
5.28); and
b) approves inclusion in the Commitment Budget 2023/24 funding of £0.371m
for core foster care allowances (paragraph 5.10), additional funding and
associated savings of £0.115m and -£0.179m respectively related to the
enhanced foster care approach, £0.456m for social worker recruitment and
retention proposals (paragraph 5.15) and £0.052m for SEND support service
staffing (paragraph 5.28).
v. Notes the Council’s predicted medium-term financial prospects detailed in
paragraphs 5.29 to 5.53 and summarised in Table 3 of the Executive Director: Resources report.
vi. Reaffirms its support for the 7 key principles to guide budget preparations set
out under paragraph 5.54 of the Executive Director: Resources report.
The recommendations are intended to ensure that the Executive is aware of the
Council’s current and predicted future financial position.
The Executive could choose not to support expenditure on the proposed priority
areas. This is not recommended as the measures proposed are viewed as
preventing more significant cost increases in the period ahead.
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Financial Impact: To be included in the report based on up-to-date information at that time.
Declarations: None
Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No
Making Representations: In writing to the Executive Director: Resources
Other reasons / organisations consulted
No public consultation
Contact: Stuart McKellar, Executive Director: Resources Email: Tel: 01344 352205.
Report author: Stuart McKellar
Publication date: 18/10/2022
Date of decision: 18/10/2022
Decided at meeting: 18/10/2022 - Executive
Effective from: 26/10/2022
Accompanying Documents: