Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To approve the Prevent Strategy and Action
Plan 2020/23 as Bracknell Forest's response to the Prevent Duty, in
the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.
That the Bracknell Forest Prevent Strategy and Action Plan 2020/23 be approved.
Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 and its revisions place a duty on specified authorities to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism” in the exercise of their functions.
In addition to the Prevent Duty, the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, (updated December 2019) introduced a new duty for local authorities to provide support for people vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism.
Bracknell Forest’s response to the above duties is the Prevent Strategy and Action Plan which draw together how it will work with partners to achieve these objectives.
No alternative options have been considered for the following reasons:
• A strategy is necessary to publish the Council’s identified priorities in this area of work as well as how it plans to tackle them.
• Prevention and support for those at risk of radicalisation is a multi-agency process which is best co-ordinated through an action plan.
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Financial Impact: Within existing resources
Declarations: None.
Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No.
Making Representations: In writing to the Executive Director, People
Other reasons / organisations consulted
Online meetings with consultees
Prevent Steering Group (a Sub-Group of the
CSP), the Community Safety Partnership and Bracknell Forest
Safeguarding Board (BFSB)
Contact: Alison O'Meara, Head of Community Safety Email: alison.o' Tel: 01344 352286.
Publication date: 22/09/2020
Date of decision: 22/09/2020
Effective from: 30/09/2020