Decision Maker: Executive
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To present the Executive with the findings of
the Environment and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s
review into Thames Water and to seek approval of the Panel’s
RESOLVED that the Executive agree the Environment and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel’s recommendations as set out in the Panel report (attached as Annex A) and Paragraph 5.5 of the report, taking into account the comments of the Statutory Scrutiny Officer.
1. It is the role of the SSO to advise the Council on any issues or concerns that may arise about the operation of the scrutiny function and the SSO may on occasion be required to make a determination about what the law says and how this should be applied to any particular situation. In carrying out this statutory role, there is a need to have a nuanced and meaningful understanding of the scrutiny function in order to accurately make judgments about its operation when disagreements or other issues arise.
2. The SSO is responsible for ensuring that the scrutiny function is adequately
resourced and that service departments and partners are contributing sufficiently to reviews to ensure that they are effective.
3. The SSO is also responsible for providing advice to the Commission on whether the recommendations within review reports are robust, taking account of resource, legal, climate change, equalities, health and wellbeing and strategic risk implications.
4. At the Overview & Scrutiny Commission meeting on 29 February a report from the Environment and Communities O&S Panel was received which contained recommendations to the Executive. The covering report contained revised recommendations from the Executive Director: Place, taking into account legal and financial implications arising from the Panel recommendations. It was the determination of the Commission that members of the Panel meet again to review both sets of recommendations. This meeting took place on 30 April and an agreed, single set of recommendations are contained within the report attached Annex A.
5. The Overview & Scrutiny Commission has endorsed the review recommendations taking into account the review report and the views of the Statutory Scrutiny Officer.
6. The comments from the relevant officer set out in paragraph 7 of this report do not indicate any concerns with the proposed recommendations.
The Executive could decide:
· to agree the recommendations as set out in the Panel’s report;
· to agree the recommendations in part;
· to ask for further work to be undertaken recognising that this would delay the Panel’s next piece of work;
· to note the Panel report.
Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;
Wards Affected: (All Wards);
Financial Impact: TBC
Declarations: None
Subject to Urgent Proceedings: No
Contact: Esther Prangley, Overview and Scrutiny Officer Email:
Report author: Esther Prangley
Publication date: 16/07/2024
Date of decision: 16/07/2024
Decided at meeting: 16/07/2024 - Executive
Effective from: 25/07/2024
Accompanying Documents: