Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Section 65 Hackney Carriage Fares
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Bracknell Forest Borough Council is consulting upon a proposal to vary the existing table of fares chargeable in the Borough to be as follows:
i. For the first 415 yards - £3.20
ii. For each subsequent 135 yards – 20p
iii. Waiting Time 40 seconds – 20p
Any comments on the proposed variations should be submitted in writing to the undersigned by WEDNESDAY 15 JUNE 2022.
A copy of the notice is available for public inspection by appointment during normal office hours at the address below for 14 days from the 01 JUNE 2022
The Executive will meet on the 19 JULY 2022 if there are objections received during the period of consultation and to determine whether the proposed varied table of fares, with or without modification, will come in to operation. If no objections are received the new fares will come into operation on the 16 JUNE 2022.
Sean Murphy
Public Protection Manager
Public Protection Partnership
Theale Library
Church Street
Berkshire RG7 5BZ