Equalities Screening Record Form


Date of Screening:  2/12/22 – reviewed 11/5/22

Directorate: People

Section: Early Help & Communities

1.  Activity to be assessed

Bracknell Forest COVID Winter Grant / COVID Local Support Grant / Household Support Grant


2.  What is the activity?

 Policy/strategy    Function/procedure     Project     Review    service    Organisational change

3.  Is it a new or existing activity?

 New   Existing

4.  Officer responsible for the screening

Mark Barrett

5.  Who are the members of the screening team?

Sharon Warner, Harjit Hunjan, Samantha Wood, Katie Flint (reviewed and updated by Katie Flint and Claudia Trott, Mark Barratt)

6.  What is the purpose of the activity?

Local authorities have been allocated a number of grants from the Department for Work and Pensions to distribute to the community. Originally these were focused on cohorts most affected by the pandemic, this is since broadened with the latest funding with an increased focus on the cost of living. The funding is primarily to support with the cost of food, energy (heating, cooking, lighting) and other essentials. 


A minimum of one third of the funding must be spent on families with children, one third on pensioners and the remaining on other vulnerable households.


Local authorities are responsible for how the funding is allocated and have been given significant discretion for setting up the support and determining eligibility. Any funding not spent by the end of the period must be returned to the Department for Work and Pensions.  

7.  Who is the activity designed to benefit/target?

Vulnerable families with children, pensioners and other households in hardship and adversely affected by the cost of living crisis.  


Specifically, it is recommended that the following cohorts are provided with a supermarket voucher:

·         Parents of children eligible for Free School Meals including under five equivalents

·         Pension age households in receipt of pension credit or council tax reduction

·         Low income working age disabled and carer households

·         Care Leavers

Protected Characteristics


Please tick

yes or no

Is there an impact?

What kind of equality impact may there be? Is the impact positive or adverse or is there a potential for both? 

If the impact is neutral please give a reason.

What evidence do you have to support this?

E.g equality monitoring data, consultation results, customer satisfaction information etc

Please add a narrative to justify your claims around impacts and describe the analysis and interpretation of evidence to support your conclusion as this will inform members decision making, include consultation results/satisfaction information/equality monitoring data

8. Disability Equality – this can include physical, mental health, learning or sensory disabilities and includes conditions such as dementia as well as hearing or sight impairment.




This support will have a positive impact to this characteristic

This evidence shows disabled residents are more likely to be in financial hardship due to COVID-19. National and local data demonstrates that disabled households and those with poor health are at higher risk of poverty. This scheme seeks to alleviate some of this hardship.


Disabled residents who are unable to work may be considered eligible linked to the benefits they receive or the wider vulnerability to financial hardship.


Any resident with a disability wanting to exchange their voucher can also call the Council and a member of staff can complete the process for them over the phone.

9.  Racial equality




This support will have a positive impact to this characteristic group

National and local data shows that ethnic minority groups have higher rates of poverty. Poverty rates in BAME households are 38% compared with 19% for white households. Residents who are facing hardship are those that are eligible for this support and therefore there is likely to be a greater proportion of residents from an ethnic minority receiving this support than the wider population.


This evidence shows some ethnicities are more likely to be in financial hardship due to COVID-19. This scheme seeks to alleviate some of this hardship.


The information has been designed to be accessible through a number of methods. The main details of the scheme will be on the website which can be translated into to other languages.


10. Sex equality







There is no anticipated impact to this characteristic.

11. Sexual orientation equality






There is no anticipated impact to this characteristic.

12. Gender re-assignment







There is no anticipated impact to this characteristic.

13. Age equality




 This support will have a positive impact to this characteristic group



This scheme will more positively benefit families with children and pension age individuals as per the conditions of the grant.


14. Religion and belief equality






There is no anticipated impact to this characteristic.

15. Pregnancy and maternity equality





There is no anticipated impact to this characteristic.

16. Marriage and civil partnership equality






There is no anticipated impact to this characteristic.

17. Please give details of any other potential impacts on any other group (e.g. those on lower incomes/carers/ex-offenders, armed forces communities) and on promoting good community relations.

This scheme is primarily targeted at cohorts with low income.


18.  If an adverse/negative impact has been identified can it be justified on grounds of promoting equality of opportunity for one group or for any other reason?

 No adverse or negative impacts have been identified.

19. If there is any difference in the impact of the activity when considered for each of the equality groups listed in 8 – 14 above; how significant is the difference in terms of its nature and the number of people likely to be affected?

The scheme is likely to positively impact hundreds of households across the borough who are in financial hardship. It is estimated that around 2,500 pupils and under 5s will receiving support for food during the holidays and a further 2,000 pension age households in receipt of pension credit or council tax.

20. Could the impact constitute unlawful discrimination in relation to any of the Equality Duties?




21.  What further information or data is required to better understand the impact? Where and how can that information be obtained?

The council is required to monitor and report to the DWP how the funding is allocated and spent.


22.  On the basis of sections 7 – 17 above is a full impact assessment required?



A full impact assessment is not required as it has been evidenced above that there is no negative impacts to particular groups within the community.


23. If a full impact assessment is not required; what actions will you take to reduce or remove any potential differential/adverse impact, to further promote equality of opportunity through this activity or to obtain further information or data?  Please complete the action plan in full, adding more rows as needed.




Person Responsible

Milestone/Success Criteria









24.  Which service, business or work plan will these actions be included in?

Project overseen by the Financial Hardship Subgroup and Members Welfare Steering Group

25. Please list the current actions undertaken to advance equality or examples of good practice identified as part of the screening?

Considered a range of cohorts.

Mapped other support/funding currently available to cohorts including through the Discretionary Energy Rebate Scheme

26. Assistant director’s signature.

