Approved Duties for Travel and Subsistence Allowances

For Councillors in receipt of a Special Responsibility Allowance:-

·         all duties carried out in connection with that responsibility

For all Councillors:-

(i)            Attendance at meetings of the Council

(ii)           Attendance as a member or substitute member at meetings of Committees, Sub Committees, advisory panels etc.

(iii)          Attendance at a meeting authorised by the Council, a Committee or the Executive

(iv)          Attendance at a site visit authorised in respect of a forthcoming Committee meeting

(v)           Attendance as the Council’s appointed representative at any meeting of an association of which the Council is a member (except where such associations pay the Councillor’s expenses)

(vi)          Attendance as the Council’s appointed representative at meetings of any external organisation, its Committees or Sub Committees (except where such organisations pay the Councillor’s expenses)

(vii)        Carrying out a statutory inspection of premises on behalf of the Council

(viii)       Attendance at a meeting, briefing or event at the invitation of an Executive Director

(ix)          Attendance at an approved conference

(x)           Attendance at seminars or non-approved conferences where prior approval has been obtained to attend in line with the agreed procedure.

The Council cannot pay any Councillor’s expenses in relation to their attendance at Party Group meetings, single party briefings other than executive briefings with officers, or activities organised by a political party or party group.

The Assistant Director: Democratic and Registration Services or the Governance and Scrutiny Manager will advise in the event of uncertainty.