Members: West Berks – David Taylor; Reading – Mark Laynesmith; Wokingham – Stephen Vegh, Beth Rowland; Bracknell – Madeline Diver, Gareth Barnard; RBWM – Karen Butler; Slough – Christine Isles, Sue Elbrow, Ashpreet Singh
Advisers: West Berks, Reading and Slough – David Rees, Wokingham – Angela Hill; Bracknell & RBWM – Anne Andrews
Apologies: David Taylor; Sue Elbrow
· Minutes from meeting on 2 July 2020 were agreed.
· Progress on Westhill bid:
o Some of newest films from the Real People Real Faith project were viewed.
o Notes to accompany films the films have been produced. The notes to be sent out to group members for proof-reading. We are still waiting for the last KS3 film notes.
o NATRE have agreed to host the films and the notes.
§ the format of the pages will look like the anti-bullying page:
§ We have produced some text and a webpage outline which have been sent to RE today. We are still awaiting a reply.
o Future plans – a resource launch is planned for 28 April, 4 – 5.30 to be held on Zoom. No further planning has yet taken place, as we need to be sure that the resource will be available on the NATRE website. The only cost to the hub will be that of adviser time as an online conference has no overhead or upfront costs.
o Budget review - enough funds exist to plan to make some more films and a Catholic Church in Windsor will be approached. Funds exist to pay for adviser time for the resource launch and funds are being held in reserve for the production of additional resources to accompany the Real People, Real Faith films.
· Extra funding may be available from the closed Reading Faith Forum. The decision was taken to approach the people holding the funding to gain enough funding to make three films in Reading – in the Orthodox Synagogue, a Sunni Mosque, and an Orthodox church.
· Blog spot – Mark Laynesmith and David Rees have explored a way of hosting YouTube videos and blogs.
· AOB: Angel Hill reported that we have been asked to present on the project at the NASACRE AGM on 24th May. An overview has been written and submitted. AH and AA will arrange a short meeting to plan our presentation.