Bracknell Forest Council
Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012
Notice is hereby given that the Executive is to be asked to make a key decision on 24 May 2022 in respect of the following:
TITLE: Request from Taxi Trade to Review Hackney Carriage Tariffs
To consider a business case (Appendix A)
submitted by representatives of the taxi trade to review the
current table of fares in light of the current increase in the cost
of fuel.
The report also outlines the statutory consultation process that
must be undertaken if the Executive Director, on behalf of the
Executive, with constitutional scheme of delegation powers to
secure the provision of Public Protection Partnership functions,
agrees to consult on the proposals set out in the business
The Executive will be considering a report prepared by or on behalf of the Executive Director: Delivery. A copy of the report and any other documents will be available for inspection on the Council’s web site or at Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD (when the offices are open).
Further information can be obtained from Damian James, Assistant Director: Contract Services, Delivery, Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD, Tel: 01344 355157,
This item may be considered in private. The reason is that it could involve the disclosure of exempt information under the following category of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972:
Paragraph 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). |
NB: The report together with any other documents being considered (unless they contain exempt information) will be available for inspection 5 clear days before the decision is taken by the Executive in Democratic Services, Time Square, Market Street, Bracknell, RG12 1JD or on the Council’s web site. Copies may be requested from Democratic Services, but a fee will be payable.
DATE OF NOTICE: 16 May 2022