Issue details

Adoption of a Local List of Buildings and Structures of Local Architectural or Historic Interest

On 12th February 2019 the Executive agreed in principle to the first nominations for inclusion on a local list of non designated heritage assets subject to the nominating bodies and the individual property occupiers being notified. This purpose of this report is to advise the Executive of the response received as a result of the notification exercise and recommend the final list of buildings and structures to be included on the local list.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/04/2019

Decision due: 22 Oct 2019 by Executive

Lead member: Executive Member for Planning and Transport

Lead director: Executive Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration

Department: Place, Planning & Regeneration

Contact: Max Baker, Assistant Director: Planning Email: Tel: 01344 351902.

Consultation process

Individual property owners notified by letter an nominating bodies referred to report to the Exective on 12th February and the list of properties recommended for inclusion on the local list


Individual property owners and nominating bodies

Making Representations: In writing to the Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration

Financial Impact: The adoption of a Local List falls within the existing planning policy budget reinforce existing heritage policies and to form part of the new local plan.

Document(s) to be considered: Report with schedule of responses received as a result of the notification of property owners and the final list of heritage assets.


Agenda items