Executive post

Executive Member for Economic Development and Regeneration


The Executive Member for Economic Development and Regeneration is responsible for the following functions, to the extent that they comprise Executive Functions:


1.    The management, maintenance, improvement, development and redevelopment of Bracknell Town Centre, insofar as these functions are not the responsibility of the Bracknell Town Centre Regeneration Committee. Authority to vary the Development Agreement with BRP regarding the early transfer of land and property interests acquired under the CPO.


2.    Bracknell Town Market.


3.    Crowthorne Enterprise Centre.


4.    In conjunction with the Executive Member for Planning and Transport, car parking strategies throughout the borough.


5.    To represent the Council on, and to liaise with, external organisations delivering services directly impacting on or related to the portfolio for which the Executive Member is responsible.


6.    The corporate public relations, marketing and communications function.

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