Executive post

Executive Member for Planning and Transport


The Executive Member for Planning and Transport is responsible for the following functions, to the extent that they comprise Executive Functions:


1          The functions of the Council under Town and Country Planning legislation.


2          The functions of the Council as Local Highway Authority.


3          The functions of the Council as Streets Authority (including on-street parking.)


4          The functions of the Council under the Road Traffic Regulation legislation and in respect of road closures.


5          The functions of the Council relating to Public Rights of Way, cycle routes and pedestrian ways


6          Road Safety


7          The parking of vehicles in respect of Council functions and Orders where these relate to the public highway (other than abandoned vehicles and street trading)


8          The functions of the Council under the Transport Act 1985 and making representations and objections in respect of applications under HGV licensing legislation.


9          The functions of the Council under the Building Acts.


10        The overall performance of the Environment, Culture and Communities Department relating to those functions for which the Executive Member is responsible.


11        To represent the Council on regional and sub-regional planning and transportation matters.


12        To represent the Council on the Strategic Housing Partnership and the Strategic Transport Partnership.


13        The functions of the Council under the Traffic Management Act 2004


14        Car Park management and maintenance (including on-street schemes and the provision of car parking solutions.)


15        To represent the Council on, and to liaise with, external organisations delivering services directly impacting on or related to the portfolio for which the Executive Member is responsible.

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