Executive Decisions

Decisions published

25/02/2019 - Warfield Neighbourhood Plan – Publicise plan for consultation and appoint Examiner ref: 2912    Recommendations Approved

To agree to publicise and undertake public consultation on the Warfield Neighbourhood Plan and to appoint an Examiner

Decision Maker: Executive Member for Planning and Transport

Decision published: 25/02/2019

Effective from: 05/03/2019


It was RESOLVED that the Council:


1              undertakes public consultation on the submission version of the Warfield Neighbourhood Plan pursuant to Regulation 16; and


2          appoints an independent Examiner to undertake the examination of the Warfield Neighbourhood Plan pursuant to paragraph 7 of Schedule 4B of the Act and Regulation 17.

Wards affected: Binfield with Warfield; Warfield Harvest Ride; Winkfield & Cranbourne;

Lead officer: Andrew Hunter

12/02/2019 - Strategic Review of Developing Further Regeneration In Bracknell ref: 2909    Recommendations Approved

To present the business case developed with the assistance of external advisors which recommends an approach to be taken to bring forward development on council owned sites and consider related land.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 12/02/2019 - Executive

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019



      i.        the vision and objectives for future development in and around Bracknell town centre set out under paragraph 5.9 of the Chief Executive / Director: Finance’s report is endorsed.


     ii.        the findings of the Place Based Review of Bracknell, undertaken as part of the One Public Estate programme, included as Annex C of  the Chief Executive / Director: Finance’s report is noted.


    iii.        the findings of the Strategic Case developed by GVA and Pinsent Masons that considered options available to take forward development of the key council owned sites, summarised in paragraph 5.13 f  the Chief Executive / Director: Finance’s report to, and authorises the Director: Finance to commence a procurement process to seek a Joint Venture partner to help deliver the agreed vision and objectives is supported, noting that the final decision on a preferred partner would be taken by the Executive in late 2019;


   iv.        the sites detailed in paragraph 5.21 of   the Chief Executive / Director: Finance’s report are included  in the Council’s offer to potential joint venture partners;


    v.        the Chief Executive is authorised to finalise an agreement with Bracknell Regeneration Partnership that will ensure delivery of The Deck and secure significant investment in Princess Square, in accordance with the broad terms set out in paragraph 5.18 of the Chief Executive / Director: Finance’s report.


   vi.        subject to recommendation 2.5 of the Chief Executive / Director: Finance’s report, it was proposed that the addition of £4.5m be included within the existing Town Centre Regeneration capital budget in the final 2019/20 budget proposals to Council, with financing as set out in paragraph 6.3 of the  the Chief Executive / Director: Finance’s report.


Lead officer: Stuart McKellar

12/02/2019 - Strategic Procurement Plan for purchase of IT hardware and packaged software ref: 2910    Recommendations Approved

This procurement plan is to describe and request approval for the procurement approach for ICT to be able to procure over the next 4 years. It is not a request for budgetary funding to purchase the actual goods and services. This is done separately by the annual capital budget request and approval process.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 12/02/2019 - Executive

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019


RESOLVED that the procurement approach laid out in the Strategic Procurement Plan for IT Hardware and Packed Software is approved,  to enable ICT Services to procure IT hardware and software covering End User Devices; Network Infrastructure and Services; Server Hardware, Packaged Software and Miscellaneous IT Equipment over the next five years.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Damian James

12/02/2019 - Adoption of a Local List of Buildings and Structures of Local and Architectural Interest ref: 2908    Recommendations Approved

The purpose of this report is to:
• Inform the Executive of the potential to adopt a list of buildings and structures considered to have local architectural or historic interest; to explain the status of a locally listed building and why a local list is important for the conservation strategy of the Borough.
• To seek Executive approval for the adoption of a local list which will be a material consideration in the assessment of development proposals as part of the Council’s planning policy framework;
• To agree, in principle, the first nominations for inclusion on the local list subject to the nominating bodies and individual property occupiers being notified;
• To agree the process and procedures for making additions to the local list.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 12/02/2019 - Executive

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019



      i.        the principle of a local list to sit alongside the preparation of the

Bracknell Forest Local Plan (BFLP) is approved. The local list will be a material consideration in the assessment of planning applications


     ii.        in principle, the first nominations for inclusion on the local list, as set

out in Appendix A of the Director of Place, Planning and Regeneration’s report, subject to the nominating bodies and individual property occupiers being notified is agreed.


    iii.        following the notification of the individual property owners (as set

out in section 7 of the Director of Place, Planning and Regeneration’s report), the final decision in respect of the first buildings and structures to be included on the local list is referred to a later meeting of the Executive for approval is agreed.


   iv.        future additions to the local list be confirmed by the Executive

Member for Planning and Transport in consultation with the Director of Place, Planning and Regeneration.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Hilary Coplestone

12/02/2019 - Revised Local Development Scheme for Bracknell Forest ref: 2907    Recommendations Approved

To agree a revised Local Development Scheme containing updated timetables for producing Local Plans in Bracknell Forest in view of the statutory requirement to publish an up to date Local Development Scheme on the website so that local communities and interested parties can keep track of progress of Local Plans being prepared in an area.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 12/02/2019 - Executive

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019


That the Local Development Scheme 2019 2022 (attached as Appendix A of the Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration’s report) shall come into effect on 20th February 2019.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Max Baker

12/02/2019 - Council Tax & NDR Exemptions, Discounts and Relief ref: 2905    Recommendations Approved

Review current exemptions, discounts and relieves in Council Tax and NDR to confirm still appropriate.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 12/02/2019 - Executive

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019



      i.        the decision to grant a 0% discount to taxpayers of Class A, B, C and D properties (empty and second homes) to remain unchanged.


     ii.        the Council Tax payable for properties which have been unoccupied and substantially unfurnished for a continuous period of over 2 years shall incur a 100% premium (up from 50%), in accordance with the Rating and Council Tax (empty dwellings) Act 2018 from 1 April 2019..


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: David Evans

12/02/2019 - Capital Programme 2019-20 ref: 2903    Recommendations Approved

To recommend to Council the annual budget.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 12/02/2019 - Executive

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019


The Executive RECOMMENDS to Council  that:


a)    the General Fund capital funding of £33.437m for 2019/20 in respect of those schemes listed in Annexes A – E of the Director: Finance’s report.


b)    the inclusion of an additional budget of £1m for Invest to Save schemes.


c)    the inclusion of £1.145m of expenditure to be funded from S106 and SANG as outlined in paragraph 5.33 of the Director: Finance’s report.


d)    those schemes that attract external grant funding are included within the Capital Programme at the level of funding received.


e)    tS106 funding of £0.1m be approved for works at Easthampstead Park School as outlined in paragraph 5.28 of the Director: Finance’s report.


1.    capital schemes that require external funding can only proceed once the Council is certain of receiving the grant.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Calvin Orr

12/02/2019 - Revenue Budget 2019/20 ref: 2904    Recommendations Approved

To recommend to Council the annual budget

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 12/02/2019 - Executive

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019


The Executive, in recommending to Council a budget and Council Tax level for 2019/20:


      i.        confirm the original budget proposals, subject to the revisions in section 8.3 of the Director: Finance’s report and those decisions to be taken elsewhere on the Executive agenda on the capital programme;


     ii.        agrees the provision for inflation of £2.396m (section 8.2 of the Director: Finance’s report);


    iii.        agrees the additional budget proposals as set out in Annexe A and Annexe D and in sections 6.2, 6.3, 6.5, 7.3, 8.3, 9.1, 9.3 and 10.6 of the Director: Finance’s report.


   iv.        agrees that the Council should make additional funding available for distribution to schools through the local funding formula at the level set out in section 9.1 of the Director: Finance’s report subject to any minor amendments made by the Executive Member for Children, Young People and Learning following the receipt of definitive funding allocations for Early Years and High Needs pupils;


    v.        includes contingencies totalling £2.5m (section 10.6 of the Director: Finance’s report), use of which are to be authorised by the Chief Executive in consultation with the Director of Finance in accordance with the delegations included in the Council’s constitution;


   vi.        subject to the above recommendations, confirm the draft budget proposals;


  vii.        approves  the Net Revenue Budget before allowance for additional interest from any use of balances as set out in Annexe G of the Director: Finance’s report;


 viii.        agrees the contribution of £2.582m to be made from revenue balances (before additional interest from the use of balances) to support revenue expenditure;


   ix.        recommends a 2.99% increase in the Council Tax for the Council’s services and that the Council Tax requirement, excluding Parish and Town Council precepts, be set as £59.419m;


    x.        recommends that the Council Tax for the Council’s services and that each Valuation Band is set as follows:



Tax Level Relative    to Band D



























   xi.        recommends that Council approves the following indicators, limits, strategies and policies included in Annexe E of the Director: Finance’s report:


·         The Prudential Indicators and Limits for 2019/20 to 2021/22 contained within Annexe E(i);

·         The Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy contained within Annexe E(ii);

·         The Treasury Management Strategy Statement, and the Treasury Prudential Indicators contained in Annexe E(iii);

·         The Authorised Limit Prudential Indicator in Annexe E(iii);

·         The Investment Strategy 2019/20 to 2021/22 and Treasury Management Limits on Activity contained in Annexe E(iv);


  xii.        authorises the Executive Member for Transformation and Finance to agree the Council’s response to the Business Rates and Fair Funding Consultations released with the Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement.


 xiii.        approves the virements relating to the 2018/19 budget as set out in Annexe H of the Director: Finance’s report and recommends those that are over £0.100m for approval by Council;


 xiv.        recommends Council approves the permanent virements between staff and non-staff budgets set out in Annexe I of the Director: Finance’s report.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Stuart McKellar, Arthur Parker

12/02/2019 - Business Case For The Creation of a Country Park at Horseshoe Lake ref: 2902    Recommendations Approved

To approve the implementation of the new strategy for the parks and countryside service and to agree the Procurement Plans.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 12/02/2019 - Executive

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019


      i.        the implementation of enhancements at Horseshoe Lake, Sandhurst to create a country park is agreed.


     ii.        the capital funding of £2.6m for Horseshoe Lake Country Park is agreed.


Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Andrew Hunter

12/02/2019 - Asset Management Plan ref: 2906    Recommendations Approved

The Executive to agree the Council's Corporate Asset Management Plan.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 12/02/2019 - Executive

Decision published: 12/02/2019

Effective from: 20/02/2019


That the Asset Management Plan 2019-2022 be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Steven Caplan