Issue - decisions

Blue Mountain Community and Health Care Hub - Procurement Plan

17/12/2019 - Blue Mountain Community and Health Care Hub - Procurement Plan



       i.          The progress to date on the community centre and health & wellbeing hub in

partnership with the Care Commissioning Group (CCG) is noted and the timetable in paragraph 5.23 of the Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration’s report is agreed.


      ii.          the community centre budget of up to £2.4m is agreed as per paragraph 5.10 of the Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration’s report; the development cost of the health centre to be met by the CCG/NHS as noted in paragraph 5.1 of the Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration’s report.


     iii.          to forward fund up to £4.6m (including ancillary costs as per paragraph 5.10 of the Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration’s report),the capital costs of the Health part of the building, on the basis that the consequent capital financing costs will be matched by long term rental income from Health.


    iv.          the Procurement Plan (paragraph 5.25 of the Director: Place, Planning & Regeneration’s report) for the community centre and health

care hub in Appendix C (Restricted), is approved.